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*2 years after the fall of darkstalker and the lost continent*

Pandora was sitting in the art room painting on a canvas humming to herself a melody her clawmate willow sang to her.

The quietness of the art room was one of the reasons Pandora liked this place, she could be alone and not worry about anything, her studies, projects, and even her secret.

While more and more nightwings dragonets are showing signs of being able to read minds and all that, the has been a special class that all nightwings are required to do in the guidance of Hope,an old Nightwing that knows how to control these powers.

While this made some dragons at ease
Others still used skyfire to keep their minds private, although a majority of the ones wearing them were the nightwings themselves.

She didn't need skyfire, she could block out minds without difficulty before she even took the classes in jade mountain, she suspected why was that she hatched when the false bright night was high in the sky, when the sandwing war finally came to an end.

She could of course use her mind reading but she preferred when she was looking into futures, but even that she didn't use often.

The painting was almost done when she stepped back and admired it,
It was the cave where her aunt Shadowspeaker hid her from when she fled the volcano island, the painting was almost perfect but she couldn't figure out what was wrong with it.

it took her days to try and perfect it, and she knew she was so close but could not figure out what she was missing. Sighing, she took the painting and put it near the window to dry and took her handmade brushes and art supplies back to her shared cave, which was at the other end of the mountain and had had windows to look out on the vast forest and ocean.

Although she's been here for only half a year, she already knew her way around mountain, On the way back she was overwhelmed by how many students were at the entrance,

Oh moons duh, the monthly parent visit is today. She looked around for her aunt but couldn't find her among the other dragons, she gave up and went back to her cave.

"Pandora! There you are." Willow shouted while she was running towards me. "Where in the two continents where you?" her light blue and cream scales were covered in purple paint,her light gray underbelly seemed to get the worse of it

"Stay back willow, I'm warning you."Pandora said, rising to her hind legs and shielding her satchel and bracelet that willow gave her." ill make your paint problem worse than it is"

Willow just rolled her voilet eyes and said "pfft as if anything can be worse than this."

She then got smacked in the snout by Sapphire a skywing "would you two lovebirds go away! I'm trying to write my report here and as you can see I'm not getting anywhere with the two of you rambling!" smoke started to rise from her nostrils and her mouth making her already scary looking red eyes even more sinister.

The skywing was at her usual spot in the ledge that was big enough for her red-orange wings to unfold a little bit
But that also meant that she was the closest to the entrance to the room, where usually all the noise happen.

Pandora started to go to her ledge, it was near a window where she had her blanket cover her when the sun was out and being a camel dung. "sorry saph didn't think you'd still be here, why are you still here? aren't your parents supposed to visit you?"
She began to lay down on her moss covered ledge placing her satchel on a hook near her ledge.

Sapphire stopped writing on her scroll and shot a worried looked at Pandora." It's today!?" "uhhh yeah you half burnt skywing, its today."

All three were staring at the dragon who now stood in the entrance of their cave, permafrost the Icewing in her winglet, was standing there, her deep Blue eyes a big contrast to her ice blue scales. "did you seriously forget that it was today? Didn't you write that reminder down on your paw?"

Sapphire looked at her paws to find the reminder "it must've erased when I went to cool off at the underground lake." she quickly made herself look as neat as possible, although that would be hard considering the tattoo of a blue flowers on her neck "do I look OK?" she asked us

"uhhh.. yeah... You look OK" willow replied weakly.

"could loose the copper earing though" the Icewing replied calmly she was now in the center of the cave examining Sapphire

"you look fine Saph. It's just a family visit its not a prison inspection" Pandora replied nonchalantly.
"besides,why are you so worried? You've never been like this before."

"well it's because my grandmother is said to come with them when they're gonna visit me." cleaning up her
belongings and putting them in small ledge near hers. "she wasn't all that keen on me being here." She shot a apologetic look at permafrost "mostly because Icewings are also here."

"three moons is she still mad about that incident?" Permafrost replied with a sigh, she layed down near her ledge where she used her Frost bite to make colder much to Willow's complains about it being near her's.

"well you did drop an entire column of scrolls at her." Sapphire then said in response, she was out of the cave looking at the corridor to find a way to get to the entrance faster. "It also didn't help that you then responded to her burning the scrolls with your icebreath."

The icewing just snorted and layed down her head and began to sleep.

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