🐾|Chapter 3|🐾

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Jimin shot up, eyebrows knitted as his eyes tried to adjust to the darkness with no luck as he looked around. What was--

"AL!" Jimin jumped about a foot, heart stopping. He may or may not of forgotten about his dog crazy neighbor. But just as quickly as it came, it was silent. No more yelling so Jimin sighed in relief, wondering if he imagined it.


Jimin felt Spark leap up from his spot on the bed and run quickly out and probably between the couch cusions, a place a found... amusing and comfy even though that couch feels like sandpaper to Jimins back but oh well.

The male shot up and looked around before there was another crack and looked at his bedroom door and then past and out,

It was his door.

Someone was knocking.

Jimin grumbled and reluctantly got it. Jimin saw the time and scoffed---who the hell is awake at 2:34am? especially when there is work tomorrow. Today's only Tuesday. Damn can Jimin not have a break?

There was another knock and Jimin growled, "I'M COMING" he snapped, honestly irritated at this point because he wanted to sleep but guess what? he doesn't get to because some douchebag is at the door at freaking 2:34am.

Jimin waddled to the door and saw who it was through the peep hole and groaned, unlocking the door and before he could say anything, the man pushed in, frantic.

"HAVE YOU SEEN AL!?" Jimin blinked, unamused, "who?" the other male was hysterical. "Al! my do-" "no I have not. I don't look for canines during the night at freaking---now 2:40am."

Jeongguk stared at him, face whiter then snow as he looked horrified, "Al is my baby! I can't find him!" Jimin sighed, folding his arms, "is he the Bernese thing?" Jeongguk shook his head, "no he isn't-"

Jimin cut him off, remembering the small dog he saw not even a day ago in front of Jeongguk's door, sitting there and waiting patiently for his owner too get fully ready for the walk- "is he the terrier?"

"No that's Kuma," Jimin thought and made an ah sound- "the little yellow thing?" the younger shook his head, "that's Papi, my Chihuahua." Jimin blinked- "papi? what an accurate name for a-"

The other cut him off, "no time to talk about Papi, do you know where Al is!?" Jimin shook his head, "for the last time no I do n-" "will you please help me find him?!" The elder rolled his eyes, "no-"

"Please! Al is my baby!" Jimin blinked, staring at the other but before he made another remark, he thought---if Spark, for some ungodly reason were to ever escape (which he won't because he is Jimins pet) Jimin knows he'd want help finding his best friend.

Plus, Jimin thinks of Spark as his baby, a child, his best friend, so he can't blame the other for being so frantic. Plus, Jeongguk seems to love his dogs a little... too much.

Jimin groaned, "fine. What do I need to do?"

"Really?!" Jimin rolled his eyes and breathed out, "yes, now tell me what to do before I decide not to-" "he's a Saint Bernard and he has a collar on him that says Jeon Jeongguk's Property with my name and number on it and then it says his name on the opposite side of the tag. His collar is black-" "is he huge?"

Jeongguk swallowed, "oh um... yeah, he's... a good sized dog I'd say-" Jimin cut him off, "when did he disappear?" Jeongguk gulped, "well um... I'm not---I'm not exactly sure..." "How-" "I have a reason!"

The elder sighed, arms folded again as he waited for this story- "I was um... at my sisters and we were having a mini party for her boyfriend and well... I went and we got a little... tipsy and I stumbled home and conked out but then I awoke to Blu, my Shepard, wailing and I couldn't find out why but then I looked around and only counted thirteen-"

"Oh my god you have thirteen dogs?" Jeongguk shrugged, "believe it or not I used to have twenty five but three passed due to age and I sold the others because they were baby babies and were terrier mixes and wouldn't keep up so I sold them off and then I had a rottweiler and gave him to my sister after we had... an incident."

Jimins eyes widened, "did he-" Jeongguk threw his hand up, "oh no, he didn't harm anyone or anything. Well, a fish actually. And the women down stairs ripped into me because she said it was still an animal cruelty if your dog eats a fish. I don't know how she found out but she did but that was it and I couldn't let him go completely so Jeon, my sister, has him."

The other male hummed, honestly bored but hey.

"So... you'll help me search for Al?"

"As best as I can."

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