🐾|Chapter 4|🐾

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Jeongguk called out, clapping his hands after. Jimin sighed as she scrunched more into himself and dug his hands into his hoodies pockets. He knew he should be calling but will start here in a few minutes because he's cold.

"Al! come here boy!" Jeongguk called out again and Jimin sighed. He wondered for a split second if maybe Al was still at the building even though there was really no trace... but he didn't ask and instead started calling the canine too.

After a few good 45minutes and still no sign of him, Jeongguk decided he'd have to search further and call Jeon. She answered and was pissed he awoke her but said she was on her way.

"So like... Jeon is your sister?"

Jeongguk hummed, looking around as he responded- "twin, actually." Jimin nodded, pursing his lips as Jeongguk sighed heavily- "Jimin, would you... would you please go up this way and I turn and walk up this side? he's gotten out before and more then once but I always find him... up over here... but I always find him quicker-"

"Yeah I will."

The younger thanked him quickly and jogged off the other direction, calling out the canines name loudly. Jimin groaned to himself quietly as he almost tripped over a stone in the way but saved himself ‘easily’.

"Hey! dog!" Jimin called, not caring how to call it. But as expected, no response. He rolled his eyes and walked forward while yelling out “Al!” but he found nothing in response and that was killing him.

Not because he likes the canine or anything, but because nothing was becoming of it. It was irritating.


Very irritating.

"Al!" Jimin hollered, looking around and froze up when he heard a shuffle and he snapped his head the other way and widened his eyes. He had a pair of bright red eyes staring back and he swallowed.

They weren't normal dog eyes nor cat eyes at all...

No, a lot lot bigger.

"H-hey-" Jimin stuttered out, fear and bravery mixing together. He was terrified, yes, but walked forward anyways. And when he stepped closer and it let off a grumbling noise he froze up completely.

But he still wants to know what it is-

So he remembered his phone and yanked it out of his pocket quickly and flipped on the flashlight faster then you can say “light” and the brightness and light hit the creature and Jimin saw what it was and sighed in relief.

"Oh thank god it's just you." Jimin declared, not turning the flash off as he bent down, tapping the ground with his hand, not fearing the big creature- "come here boy."

The canine stared at him before making a sound of approval as he rushed over and pressed into the males body and licked his face. Jimin wanted to scream. Oh did he want to but he didn't and instead swallowed all his fear and stood up.

He saw the collar and read “Al” and knew this was for sure the dog they're looking for. So Jimin pulled out his keys and took the actual keys off the chain and hooked the chains pinch part to the dogs collar and started walking.

Al gave him no problems. His big body still intimidating Jimin though. And very much so. But he got over it... a little and walked Jeongguk's way. The male wasn't yelling anymore, no.

But Jimin didn't ask as he walked forward and he felt the canines hip bump into him numerous times but he didn't say anything because it honestly didn't bother him as they walked down the sidewalk.

"So, why'd you run away?"

The canine made a grumbling sound and Jimin giggled. He looked down at it and saw he had no bad temperament at all. No, he was a sweetheart. Not one bad bone in his body. Well, of what Jimin sees.

"You sure are beautiful though..." Jimin quietly declared, watching as the creature paid no mind but Jimin knew this. But he heard Jeongguk's gasp as he ran over and glared down at the canine- "hey little boy."

Jimin watched Jeongguk and looked down at the dog and saw how he lowered his head. Jimin frowned but didn't say anything. He knows scolding is a good part of training. And well, even though Al is a huge Saint Bernard, he is still pretty young.

"You're grounded."

Jimin giggled as Jeongguk declared that to the canine. But Jeongguk didn't mind and thanked Jimin while hooking the actual leash to the canine and Jimin put his keys back on the chain.

"I need to thank you, Jimin."

Jimin shrugged and looked down at Al- "it wasn't... that bad."

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