Gone (SnufMin)

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I just listened to the les miserables soundtrack and the phantom of the opera (I watched both of them before) and its pretty sad ;^;

It had been just a week after Snufkin had turned invisible, yet the weather didn't seem to match the overall feeling. Yet, it was a sunny day in MoominValley and everyone was quite hot and sweaty since it was summer, although there was plenty of people playing outside, or going for a dip in the sea.

Snufkin was one of the people outside today, and although he wasn't actually in the water like almost everybody else, he was quite happy just leaning against a tree and attempting to catch a fish in a pond that trailed into the sea, but it was quite hard with everyone else splashing about.

He was going to give up after several failed attempts, but when he felt something tug on the end of his line, he gently reeled it in. He was surprised when he finally lifted up the rod, as it wasn't a fish and all. It was Moomin, and Snufkin had accidentally caught him on the end of his rod!

He quickly untied the rope that had managed to get tangled around Moomin's tail, and chuckled slightly at Moomin's state afterwards, making no forewords attempt to speak to him, instead holding foreword a hand- *ahem* paw, and Moomin happily took it.

He pulled him up, and they sat side by side, smiling contentedly.

Eventually they had to go home.


Joxter was waiting by Snufkin's tent, much to his surprise, when he returned. So was Moominpapa and Moomin. Apparently Moominpapa had only come to drop Moomin off, so they all talked and laughed before he had to leave.

They were walking through the forest now, and were fast approaching a vast cave. Moomin had asked several times where they were going, and Joxter had simply smiled and shook his head reassuringly, but now it was he who asked.

Joxter sighed, replying. "We are going to the cave of post hanc." He looked at the two of them, before continuing. "Do you know what that means?"

They both shook his head, and Joxter smiled. "It means afterlife, in Latin."
Moomin decided to speak up, clearly confused about something. "But what are we here for?"

Joxter's smile grew wider at this, as they entered the cave.

"To visit Ninny."

The cave was almost immediately pitch black as they entered, and Snufkin felt Moomin's tail instantly wrap around his own in fear. He was glad for a split second that it was so dark.

They had been walking for what felt like (and what probably was) hours, until eventually the stopped in front of a lever. That's what it looked like, at least. In the dark. There was a happy lilt in Joxter's voice. "We're here."

Their was engravings on it that were glowing, and Joxter put his hand on it, tracing each of them out, motioning for the other two to do the same, just before he disappeared. Just like that, disappeared. Out of thin air.

Snufkin shivered, it reminded him too much of when he had been invisible. He noticed Moomin trailing his paws over the engravings much like Joxter had done, and something made Snufkin tremble. His tail pulled on Moomin's slightly, as a warning. Moomin looked back at him, pulling his paw away from the thing.

Their was silence for a while.

"Are you...scared...?"


Moomin rubbed his arm reassuringly. "Then what's wrong? Why don't you want me too?"

Snufkin hesitated for a moment at this, a little caught of guard by both the overwhelming sensation of stopping Moomin from going, Moomin's sudden control and braveness over the situation, and the question in general. He should lie. But he didn't want to.

"I...don't want to be alone again."

Moomin put his paw back on the thing, thinking carefully before planting a small kiss on Snufkin's cheek. "You won't be. I'll be waiting for you."

Then he was gone.

Snufkin still hesitated, before finally obliging.

Then he too was gone.

(Word count: 693 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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