a night filled with fear

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I'm so sorry I haven't posted in agessss!! But here you go with the next chapter :)

Chapter 4

1:45 AM, CBI Headquarter Sacramento,

Lisbon's POV

I felt something warm and sweaty on my cheek and when I lifted up my head, it was a piece of paper that was kind of glued on my cheek. When I opened my eyes I saw 3 other heads sleeping on the desk. Cho's, Rigsby's and VanPelt's. Jane was snoring on the couch. It wasn't loud but I could hear it. I stood up and walked towards the door I couldn't find my phone so a) it was really dark cuz I didn't have a flashlight and b) because I had no clue what time it was. I remembered the clock in the kitchen and made my way through the hallway.  *1:47AM* seriously? We fell asleep at the office and no one woke us up? That can't be possible can it? I finally found the light switch and it lightened the room. I looked around and had to get used to the light when I saw several bodies lying on the floor. Suddenly I wasn't sure if my colleagues really were just sleeping! I ran back into our bullpen switched the light on and screamed through the room. "GUYS WAKE UP WAKE THE F*# UP!!!!" No one woke up, I panicked. It was the middle of the night and I was alone in a CBI building with maybe some dead colleagues around me. 

I've never been so scared before. I made my way through the bullpen and shook Jane's body to wake him up. I felt his pulse. He was alive. I started screaming "Jane! Jane!! Jane wake up!!!" and then I started crying. 

Suddenly I felt someone touch my shoulder. It was Jane who tried to calm me down. I looked at him with wet eyes. "It's okay. It was all just a dream." He pulled me in his arms and I realized that this has got to be the worst nightmare ever. I actually fell asleep in the office. I told Jane I'd come home later because I had to do some paperwork. So I was alone in the office and fell asleep... Jane wondered why I hadn't been home at 12 so he drove to the CBI and found me, crying in my sleep.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2014 ⏰

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