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Lisa send her both son and daughter to shcool.

" Good Bye,  Daddy!" Both

" study hard . fighting!"

" Fighting " Lucas / NaNa

They hold hand each other look so happy. 

" Hpmm

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" Hpmm . How dare she hold Lucas's hand !? "

" let give her a lessons "

Lucas , heard what other child talking. 

Those  kids want to throw  a wather on NaNa . but,  Lucas stop them .

" I warn you all. don't ever dare to touch her ever again.  She my sister not for you to bully . Get lost !"

" Were sorry !!" run away .

NaNa didn't know what happened, she just keep walking on her way to the class.

a group young boy  push lucas fail hit on the wall .

Lucas push them back . they scare of lucas,  actoin he face full of blood. but not serious.

" scams! " They run away

" Its not good if we keep study here...Dad I'll protect sister like  I promised "

Lisa know what happened  to Lucas and NaNa . she so angry and have a problem to those family kids. the next day Lucas / NaNa transfer to Song Nam school. 

" Hey

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" Hey . Lucas wanna play ?"

" Not interesting "

" You awful.  Hey , NaNa  wanna play ?"

" Stay away from me "

" What ?! I'm your future husband  ,okey ?"

" Get lost before I kill you ,Song Nam "

" OMG . NaNa ...I'm just joking , hehe "

" One more word you get out of here "

" I get it...scary Lucas "

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