The Man and the Girl

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Hyewon was sure of it, the distinct clatter of his earrings came from the port city of Pusan as she walked silently in its deserted streets. With her energy growing low again, she was going to hunt for another heart but hearing the sound of Sakuya's earrings hours ago awoken her tired brain. Out of those 2 choices, he was the better alternative than killing another person for way less energy. It was way past midnight and most people slept already with a few drunk stragglers and night owls roaming the city in search of whatever. Just a few hours ago, she was resting in the nearby mountains miles away but the sound of his earrings sang to her as if it was a welcoming melody. But even so, there was only silence to be heard as she searched the city with no luck.

'If only I could teleport ...or fly.'

As she walked, she could hear that the city had more dogs than before so she made sure to wash her scent off earlier and sprayed herself with a bottle of perfume she snatched from a person from another city ages ago. If there was anything to be afraid of for a Kumiho, it was dogs since their noses could detect them quite easily. Lucky for them, their ears have great hearing and most Kumiho could tell how far things are within 3 miles, a mile more than regular foxes.

'Hmmmm, I detect a handful Kumiho in this city but they're hiding pretty well. I can barely feel their energy...maybe there are some I can't even detect probably. I guess some of the dogs and Hunters gotten some of them already which is why they're doing this....' she thought as she pulled her black hooded cloak over her head.

Even if she couldn't find or hear him, being in a port city, the sounds of the ocean were pleasant at night and calm her nerves. She continued her stroll in the more isolated part of the city towards the place where she heard the last of the clinks of his earrings and as she rounded a corner, she finally saw there was a small building far away in the distance. As she approached it slowly, she could hear 2 people still awake since she could hear them speaking even this late at night. Walking around the building, it seemed like all the windows were obscured so she couldn't see inside.

'Oh well.....might as well stay and listen.' she thought as she found an obscure place to sit in, not that anyone would see her anyway since she had a black cloak on along with it being the dead of the night.

"C'mon Yena! I'm just saying though, maybe the warning was for something else."

"Why are we still talking about this? This was 2 hours ago and yet you keep talking about him and his warning."

"That's because I'm worried! Ever since the Elite Hunters from the Capital came, things feel different and more dangerous now. I've seen a group of Hunters fought this blonde foreigner a few nights ago and it turns out he was something called a Vampire! They said it sucked the blood of humans through their necks!"

"A vampire? Sounds like something from a western tale."

"Because it is a western tale, you idiot! I mean we have kumihos, gwisin and dokkaebi roaming around Joseon already, what makes this vampire any different? Also remember that stories we heard about that weird outbreak a couple months ago? When the deceased started walking again and started eating people....I mean what's so hard to believe anything nowadays."

"I mean I get it but what's next? Are you going to say that dragons are real too?"

"Dragons? *Tsk* Of course not ..."

"Well all I'm saying is that I'm not moving my shop because some stranger with wings 'warned' us. He could be lying for all we know."

"Did you even see him leave? Did he fly?"

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