Okay, But Seriously... What's Happening With This Book? (Important A/N)

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Hiya folks!

I just have something important to talk about before we take this story any further. For those of you who either follow me, or who read more than one of my books, you'll know that I'm currently going through a "writing renaissance" of sorts, in regards to my platform, my stories, and even my writing style itself has changed drastically even from the fall. I've come up with a new publishing solution to try to take care of you guys, and your best interests and preserve a positive reading experience, as well as make myself feel better about the content that I'm posting! But, that solution, for those of you who've read about it, won't work for this story.

Because, of course, this story is interactive. Chapters need to be written and published one by one. It's vital to the integrity of the story.

So, I posted my earlier announcement, and began trying to think of ways I could shift this book to be better and more attainable, just as I did with my other stories. I won't go into detail about why I'm making these decisions, because I already discussed them in great length in the author's note before this one. So, if you don't know what I'm talking about, I suggest maybe reading that one! It'll help give you better context for this one.

So, I think that I've come up with a solution! Hopefully it will help restore my motivation for this book!

I'm going to be uploading this work in chunks. In sections. I will be posting a group of chapters all at once, so that they flow smoothly. The sections will be determined by when there's a vote for you guys to participate in! So, each section will be posted with a poll at the end of it. When that time is up, and the deadline has passed, I'll use that vote to write the next section of chapters. Does that make sense? Sorry, I'm terrible at explaining things.

I felt like I could do this now, because we're not really that far into the story. But this is really important to me. I've changed so much as a person since starting this book, and the decisions I made in regards to casting and relationships in this story feel awkward to write now. So, I'd like to go back and edit a few things.

So, as of now, we're only two votes into the story. We're not that far along, so I would like to go back and edit the chapters that I've already written. I will be changing around the casting a bit (hopefully to include Remus. Not as a suitor though, of course.)

So, I'll tell you what. Because both of your votes up until this point won't be affected, because the story will stay basically the same, just with better writing hopefully, and a few changes in cast members, I think that it will be better for us to NOT restart this story, but I'll just go back and edit what I already have. Then we can move forward. I feel like we're close enough to the start of the story that that's alright, and also the votes that you have made (regarding Virgil and Patton) won't be affected by this editing process.

This will be way faster than restarting everything, so I do hope to be done the edits by about a week from now. So, you shouldn't have to wait much longer! I really would like to buckle down and focus on this project in particular for the next little while. My hope is to be done with this story by the time we get to July! (Which will be a great improvement from making you all wait months upon months for an update, which is kind of sucky of me.)

For now, the current chapters will remain posted. Once I've finished all of the edits, I'll just replace the chapters all at once, and just update them that way. I'll let you know when I have finished the edits, if you decide you'd like to go back and read them.

Okay, so I hope that at least some of that makes sense. Sorry, it's quite early in the morning, and I almost didn't sleep at all last night. So, I'm sorry if this update is a bit all over the place. If you have any questions, let me know! I look forward to seeing you all again in this story next week.

Thanks, I love you all so so much. Please take care <3


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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