Chapter 1 Night walk

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I was walking around in the deep, dark forest. After my parents died a few months ago everything just gotten worse and worse. I lived with my uncle and aunt now, but they didn't care about me. They did it for the money. I liked to walk around in the forest at night. Sneak out of the window. They wouldn't care if they found out anyway. They would just be happy to see me gone. The big crooked trees was leaning over the path covering most of the night sky. For some reason I always feel safe and calm when I'm alone in the dark, where most people would be afraid. I stood still for a few seconds just listening to the forest. At the right of me I could hear a small animal running inside the bushes and on the left there was a little stream of water pouring out from between two big rocks. I continued walking. After a bit of walking I found myself standing in front of a lake. Not a very big one, but not a small one either. I use to go here every day. Sit at the cold rocks and look at the beautiful forest and lake, slightly lit up by the light of the moon. At night the forest came alive. The rest of the world fell asleep and the wild and dangerous woke up to hunt and fight. I sometimes felt like a wild animal myself. Half asleep all day walking aimlessly around, but in the night I am like another person. I got up on my feet and climbed up the highest rock in the area. I just stood there, looking around me. At the layer of leaves covering the ground like a rug and the glowing lake. Then I noticed something that wasn't normal. At the other side of the lake there was a light. A square light from a lit up window. I was pretty sure there wasn't a house there the other nights. I was about to explode with curiosity as I made my way down the side of the rock. All the nights I had been here I had been exploring. Exploring every single place, every single tree in the forest, but I had never seen a house. As I came closer I realized it was a small cottage. I sneaked up to the window and looked in. The only sign showing that someone had been there was the lamp, which was turned on. Except for that it was just old dusty furniture in the room. I couldn't hear anyone inside so I went up to the door. What if someone was in there? What if they saw me and called the police? My life was terrible enough as if was, but I couldn't just leave without checking it out. I carefully put my hand of the rusty handle and pushed it down. The door made a loud, piercing noise. I froze to hear if someone was coming, but I still couldn't hear anything. I lifted my right leg up from the ground and took a step in, but as my foot touched the old wooden floor the lights went off.

I fell over in shock and stayed down for a few seconds, breathing hard in panic. I am usually not scared of things, but that was really freaking me out. The door closed behind me with a big smack leaving me in total darkness. I stumbled around trying to find a wall to lean against. I tried not to make a sound, not even breathe for a moment, but I still couldn't hear anything. I started to walk slowly, searching up and down the wall for a light switch. A cold breath of wind blew at my face giving me goosebumps all over my body. I finally found the switch. I pushed down the button to turn the light on and there he is. Standing right in front of me, glaring at me with his empty black eyes.

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