01 | New Girl

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*She Drives Me Crazy by Fine Young Cannibals plays.*

I can't stop the way I feel

Things you do don't seem real

Tell me what you've got in mind

'Cause we're running out of time

Won't you ever set me free?

This waiting 'round's killing me

"She drives me crazy, like no one else. She drives me crazy, and I can't help myself!" I sing along to the lyrics while holding my brush up like a microphone. Nodding my head along to the beat, having a blast in my own bathroom.

"Vienna! You're going to drive me crazy if you're late to school!" my dad yells from downstairs.

I look at the clock on my phone. Ha. That can't be right. 

It's Monday morning and I'm going to be late to school if I don't book it out the door soon. I don't bother brushing my hair and leave it down, completing the just got out of bed look. 

Running to my room, I slip on my pink Vans and grab my backpack. As I jog down the stairs and into the kitchen, I frantically look for my older brother. We usually ride together to school since we share a car between the two of us.

I sigh. Sadly, my older brother's nowhere in sight. I only see my dad.

"Where's Hudson?" I ask knowing I won't like the answer. I put my hands to my head to show my dad how stressed I am.

My dad chuckles from his seat in the kitchen, a cup of coffee and a newspaper in his hands since he's old school like that. "He left ten minutes ago. Something about wanting to be on time."

"Ha ha," I mutter, giving my dad a look. Hudson's going to get payback. Big time. "How am I supposed to get to school on time?" I whine, knowing it won't help my case. 

My dad slowly sips his coffee, the corners of his lips turning into a smile . He's enjoying this, like he does almost every Monday morning. "I'm sure you'll find a way. You always do."

I glance in the direction of the front door and see my skateboard leaning against the wall. Looking around the kitchen, I scan over the different options for a quick breakfast. Banana, no. Apple, no thank you.

My dad points without even looking up from his newspaper. "On the counter."

Grinning, I grab the packaged pop tart and shove it into my backpack. "Bye dad, love you!"

"Please be safe," he yells as I run towards the front door.

"I will!" I call back, picking up my skateboard.

I put one earbud in and hop on my board, using one foot to push myself forward. As I skate towards school I pass one of my neighbors, Mrs. Stacy, who's out in her front yard watering her garden. The sound of the wheels on my skateboard hitting payment cracks causes her to look up from her flowers.

"Good morning, Mrs. Stacy." I wave as I pass her.

Wearing the usual bandana in her hair, she smiles at me and wipes her forehead with the back of her hand. "Hi dear! Have a good day at school."

"Thank you," I shout back to her, using my foot to propel me forward.

The two-story building of Strayer High School comes into view as I watch the last few students walk up the steps towards the main entrance. I ollie up the curb and pop my board up, running towards the stairs. Yanking the door open, I run in the direction of my first class of the day.

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