Chapter 1

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Izuku was diagnosed as quirkless but didn't really care. He still wanted to be a hero and wouldn't let that get to him. He was later on kidnapped by villains and was experimented on. He still didn't care much because he was given a quirk, a place to train as much as he'd like, and he believes heroes will save him so he doesn't really bother escaping. 

The quirk they force onto him was a mutation which gave him the abilities of frogs. His tongue was like a frogs tongue but was 20 metres and was trained to lift something that weighed 500kg. He could hop long distances, like super long. His leg muscles became super strong and he was able to hop up onto a building with ease. He could stick to walls with ease. He can camouflage when he wants which was useful and he could wash his stomach out if needed. He could spit out poisonous darts which belonged to the Golden Dart Frog. Had Hyper Hearing meaning he can focus on who he wants to hear even if they were across the room and music was playing he'd hear them.

Izuku trained day in and day out. He was no pushover. He could easily escape where he was because of his strength but doesn't know where he'd go so he stayed. He usually uses kicks because of the strength his legs have but his arms aren't exactly weak. His tongue was also strong. He could use it to attack and launch people flying with ease. He found this out when a villain tried to harm him (They were drunk,) so Izuku launched him at the wall knocking him out instantly.

Soon the day came and he was rescued. He remained calm but was blunt towards the heroes. The heroes that were on his rescue mission was Eraserhead, Present Mic, Midnight, Mirko, All Might, and Endeavour. Izuku wasn't fond of the heat so when Endeavour shot near him he kicked the pro in the head stunning him. "Oops, reflex," Izuku said bluntly as he returns to the pros. "You can't just kick a pro, stun him and just respond with reflex," Eraserhead said with a smirk. "Me and fire don't go well, what can I say?" Izuku says rhetorically. 

Izuku had been adapting to living with Eraserhead aka Aizawa. It was hard for him because he had nowhere to train like he'd normally do. "I'm so bored. I wanna train," Izuku says standing on the roof. "I could take you to UA to cure your boredom," Aizawa responds. "Really? You can really get me into a school to actually do something instead of staying here and do nothing?" Izuku asks hope evident in his voice. "Sure," He responds simply.

It was easier than Aizawa had thought. Izuku was strong, they knew this but in reality, Izuku could kill everyone he met. His poison darts had no cure so he could easily kill others and quickly as well. This alone was a good enough reason to not have him be a villain but instead a hero and it would be like flipping the villains off by turning their weapon into a hero. 

Izuku was now in his uniform. It felt weird in his opinion. He was waiting for Aizawa to come to collect him to introduce him to the class. Soon the door opened to show Aizawa looking tired as usual. The two walked in silence not really having anything to talk about. Aizawa enters first and begins to talk and states that there will be a transfer student. When Aizawa calls for him to enter, he camouflages and opens the door and enters.

Looking at everyone's confused stares was funny. They were all looking for him at the entrance. He soon deactivates his camouflage and speaks up. "I'm Izuku Aizawa. Please call me Izu," Izuku states. Getting another look at them he could tell someone had a similar quirk to his if not the same. "My quirk is called 'frog'," Izuku states as people become more confused and look between the girl and Izuku. "What? Kero," Izuku asks. "You have the same quirk!?" The class yell. "Okay?" Izuku responds confused.

Tsuyu was confused, to say the least. The boy in front of her had the same quirk as her. "What does your quirk do?" Izuku asked her. "I can do things a frog can," Tsu responds. "Same. Can you shoot poison darts as well?" Izuku asks. "No," She responds simply. "I see, so our quirks could be based off of different frogs..." Izuku theorizes. "I want that seat," Izuku says pointing at where Kirishima was sitting. "Us frogs have to stick together," Izuku continues. Kirishima didn't mind because he got to sit with Bakugo who he befriended. 

"I can't believe there's another person with a frog quirk," Izuku states in awe. "I can't believe your quirk is so similar to mine," Tsuyu responds. "Are mutation quirks common?" Izuku asks. "Kind, why?" Tsuyu asks. "I only recently escaped from being kidnapped so I haven't really been out. It's kinda cool how we have a similar quirk. Although mine wasn't exactly natural," Izuku states as he looks at Tsuyu in awe. "I'm Tsuyu Asui, call me Tsu," Tsuyu says. "I'm Izuku Aizawa, call me Izu," Izuku replies with a soft smile.

They were given a couple of lessons off to converse with Izuku. Izuku was rather blunt and said what's on his mind which made people think he was like Asui. "You two are really similar," Mina states with a smile. "We have similar quirks so isn't that natural?" Izuku asks tilting his head. "Well yes, but actually no," She responds. "You have cool eyes. Black and yellow mic well. Although pink doesn't really suit them but at the same time, it dose. It confuses me," Izuku states in a confused tone. "Thanks?" Mina replies not knowing if it was a compliment or not. "Your welcome. I wonder when we'll have a physical test, I've been bored for the last day or two," Izuku states putting a finger on his chin while thinking. "He's literally another Asui," Kirishima points out. "We are different frogs," The duo said in sync. 

To be continued...

Maybe? I don't know

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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