💖 Important Stuff 💖

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When I shift I would still be a trainee and then after 1 week me and the girls would debut.

The day when we debut, me and the girls would be told by the staff that we have to practice for Itzy 'Wannabe' choreography. We practice from 9 am to 2 pm when a staff member tells us we have to go to assessment room( this is the room where we get assessed on our skills).

After we arrive there we see JYP, our singing  teacher, our dance teacher and our manager( we don't know who he is until JYP tells us).
They tell has how much we have grow up and improved our skills. After long speeches of how much each of us have improved, JYP announces that we are officially debut and a passed our official assessment.

We all start to cry, especially Lia because she has been training for a pretty long time, but also cheer for each other. After what it seems like 30 minutes of us  crying and cheering for each other, JYP motions to the man next him that he is gonna be our manager.

In the next few days we start thinking about our debut song and choreography, we even try to create the song ourselves.

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