17. He's like art. Terrible art, but still art.

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Elisabeth smiled slightly as her friend entered her office, her second cup of tea had grown cold on the desk. She had gotten distracted by her messages and completely forgot to finish it. The detective looked both increasingly more tired and more rested than she had in the past few days.

"Hi, Aste. Did something happen ? You look much more at peace than last time I saw you."

Asterin perched on the side of Lis' desk and took a sip of her coffee.

"Not much. I cleared things up with Alexander."

"That's already a whole lot," the detective leaned back into her chair, "the person I met a few years ago at the academy would have found the idea of 'clearing things up' appalling. And most definitely not soothing." She smiled and studied her friend for a few seconds. "It's fascinating how much you've changed and remained the same at the same time. I feel like a proud big sister."

Asterin rolled her eyes.

"Do not get ahead of yourself. You should tell him congratulations, by the way. He got the promotion," she said taking another sip of coffee.

"You look surprisingly okay with that fact... Although I guess this means you are about to get even more intense about this job."

She dropped her head backwards and closed her eyes, after a few seconds, she spoke with barely contained annoyance.

"Might I inquire as of the the reasons given in regards to the choice of this promotion ?"

"Johnson said I did not have enough experience since I am two years younger than Alexander and apparently it is such a huge gap."

Asterin paused.

"That and because my brother was a suspect. It would not look good for the service, I suppose."

Blythe brought down her fist and hit her desk in a mouvement of rage, she took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself.

"That's idiotic. Johnson has been making a lot of these biased, reckless decisions lately. I don't appreciate it. At all. If this keeps going I may just have to give him a piece of my mind. I don't get it, he seems to care more about his image than the efficiency of the precinct. I consistently brace myself with low expectations and yet every time I find myself disappointed... It's astounding."

Asterin finished her coffee and looked over to Lis.

"Yes, indeed. Not that matters much. I will outrank him one day or the other and things around here are going to change," she said with a smirk. "How is James doing ?"

"Awake and annoying. So I'd say quite fine." She nodded towards the phone that was laying on her desk. "I was texting him before you came in actually."

Asterin raised a knowing eyebrow.

"Have I interrupted something ?"

"Oh no don't worry, he's just joking around." She settled down and took off her cardigan. "Was there anything else you wanted to talk about chuckaboo ?"

Asterin shrugged.

"Nothing much... You know, I actually quite like that homeless woman. She has filthy living habits but she is amusing enough. I will be forced to stop at her place to get some cleaning done."

"Now I fear for her life. Try to keep her in good shape, she's quite fun. And smarter than she's given credit for. I'm certain that with a little help she could become a functional human being."

Asterin smiled a bit.

"Yes she is quite fun. Fancy going to the pub tomorrow ? After the interrogation and all that mess. We could invite Selwyn, she did get a deal for her help in the case so she will released from custody."

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