Believe Me or Dont. I Dont Care.

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Your p.o.v

After I woke up I headed downstairs to look around. "Hey! There you are, I was looking for you." I turn around and see Kuroo walking towards me, "Morning, what do you need?" I asked looking up at him. "Yaku wants to check up on you and also around 12 the bosses are getting together so I can tell them about you." I nodded my head and followed after him to find Yaku. "You look pretty cute wearing my clothes Kitten." Kuroo smirked and I just rolled my eyes "It's too early for your shit Kuroo." He just laughed and continued walking.

"Hey.... why are there so many people if he just wanted to check up on me?" I asked looking at Kuroo with my head tilted. "Simple all the people in this room are going to know who you are. Everyone here is 100% trustworthy. You can tell them or I can." I walked over to sit on the bed so Yaku can check on my stitches and broken bones. "Okay I'll tell them I guess. What's up I'm a new member of Nekoma -as much as I don't wanna be-" I mumbled under my breath but the cat heard and threw bandages at me "HEY! WHAT WAS THAT FOR ASSHOLE!?" "That's what you get for being rude Kitten~" I just shot him a glare "Anyways, I'm an assassin. I won't tell you my actual name but I'll tell you my code name. I'm the Devil Fox, call me whatever you want, expect any pet names or I'll slit your throat." I stated causing everyone to look at me.

"YOU'RE THE DEVIL FOX!? NO WAY SO COOL!" If I remember correctly the person that yelled was named Lev. "What happened to your mask?" Yaku asked "When I got caught I lost my mask and I never got it back. It's weird talking to y'all without one." I felt someone stare at me. I look over and see  a short boy with bleached hair- I think his name was Kenma. "I thought you didn't associate with mafias. Almost everyone knows that the Devil Fox don't mess with us." He said narrowing his eyes at me "Like I said I didn't want to join, in all honesty I was thinking about killing the damn cat then leaving, but if I did that, I would have a lot of people after me and I don't need to add to that list. Believe me if you want, I'm not going to prove myself to you." I said with a shrug. "YOU WERE PLANNING ON KILLING ME?! WHAT THE FUCK!?" I looked over at Kuroo and gave him the same shit eating grin he gives me "Yeah what of it? I didn't though, you should feel honored~"

After Kuroo calmed down Yaku spoke up "Um.. Kuroo why does she have your ring? Your not planning something on such a young girl right!?" I chuckled because of the assumption and the fact he is standing in front of me protectively "I gave her the ring because she is my personal body guard and I don't need others trying to steal what's mine." He said with a shrug "I don't belong to you, you dumb cat." I mumbled under my breath but of course he heard that "As long as you wear that ring Kitten, you do~"  I just clicked my tongue in annoyance. "What we discussed in here stays between us. No one will need to know. Never call her 'Devil Fox', you can call her 'Fox' or 'Devil'. Is she good to go Yaku?" Yaku nodded his head saying I'm fine and healing pretty fast.

Once we left Kuroo told me to get dressed and we would go get something's I would need or whatever I had at my house. About 20 mins later and I walk out wearing the same thing I was wearing "What took you so long if you just wearing the same clothes?" Kuroo asked "If you didn't notice I don't have clothes so I can't change into anything, dumbass. Also can I not take a shower?" I asked as I rolled my eyes.

We went to my place and I got a few things I would need from there like clothes, weapons, bathroom accessories, my cat, my laptop, and other random crap. "Why the hell are you bringing a cat?" Kuroo asked when I handed him a couple of bags "Simple I'm not leaving him here to fend for himself. Plus isn't he cute! He kinda looks like my mask!" I said as I smiled up to the bed head.

Kuroo p.o.v

I couldn't help but blush a little at how cute she looked staring up at me like that. "Aren't you a cutie~" I teased so I could calm down. She just glared daggers at me "Call me that again and you won't be able to see out of your right eye." She threatened. I just chuckled and carried her stuff out to the car.

About an hour of taking her places she needed to go and we are finally back home "Damn, I'm surprised you turned down my offer to buy you your shit." I said "I don't need you to buy my stuff when I'm just as rich as you. Maybe more wealthy honestly. My job pays well and I get to take out shitty people, it's a win, win." She said with a shrug. "Don't you just take out anyone?" I asked. She shook her head "I don't take out just anyone. I have my limitations, for example I won't take out kids or if a wife wants her husband dead because he cheated. I do jobs like 'he killed my dad and took my sister.' If that makes sense." I nodded my head. "Basically if someone did something fucked up you take them out. Not something petty." She nodded her head. Once we got to her room I left her to get changed and put everything away since she has about an hour until everyone is here.

Your p.o.v

Its about 12:30 when everyone got there. I was wearing a different outfit by now. And I got another mask.

There was only the bosses, second in commands, and some personal body guards

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There was only the bosses, second in commands, and some personal body guards. "I thought it was just the bosses and second in charged why so many people." I asked no one as I kinda just stayed out of the way. "I forgot you didn't like big crowds or many people in one room." I looked over and saw Akaashi smiling down at me. I gave him a small smile and nodded my head "Yeah, stuff like this isn't really my thing." I then see Kuroo come over with a smirk on his face but annoyance in his eyes. "Hey Akaashi already trying to make a move on my little Kitten huh~" I just rolled my eyes and I could tell Akaashi was quiet annoyed "Hello Kuroo last time I checked she didn't belong to anyone." He state's shooting daggers at Kuroo. 'Why did I have to be in the middle of this' I sighed to myself. Then Kuroo grabbed my left hand and showed him the ring "Would you look at that~ she does." He stated I just jerked my hand away from him. "Can we get this damn meeting over with already." I was kinda annoyed, I hated being called someone's.

"Alright everyone is here right?" Kuroo said looking around "Good. I called all of us here today to introduce a new member of Nekoma.." "Did you seriously just called us to do that?" Said a guy with black hair and blue eyes. He was standing next to a short guy with bright orange hair "Kageyama there is a reason why they called us. Don't be disrespectful to them when we are on their turf." A guy with short black hair said. 'he has to be the boss'

"Anyways, the member to Nekoma is an assassin that is well known, she is willing to do jobs for you guys if you need her to." I put on my mask and finally stepped out from the corner "When did we agree to that? If I recall I agreed to still being my own contractor not a mafia toy." I stated somewhat annoyed. Everyone was now looking at me, eyes wide filled with curiosity "Shut up you know if the job is good enough your going to do it." He said with a grin, I just turned my head because I know what he was saying was right. "Anyways you going to have manners and introduce yourself Kitten~?" I turned back around to glare at him, though he couldn't see it, then to look at everyone else "You can believe me if you want I don't really care but I'm the Devil Fox. I'm not telling you my name call me either 'Devil' or 'Fox' or whatever you wanna call me."

Everyone was quite as I looked around. I knew that Seijoh, Shiratorizawa, and Johzenji believed me because I already had contact with them. Of course Akaashi knows who I am but his boss and the others were skeptical "Okay if your the Devil Fox prove it." I looked at the guy from what I believe to be Karasuno "And how do I do that when no one here is a target?" I asked with slight annoyance in my voice "Hey! Hey! Hey! Prove it by fighting me. If I'm correct they Devil Fox is amazing at hand-to-hand combat and she has a very distinctive move. Plus it sounds like it would be fun!" I looked at the guy with white hair and black streaks which was Akaashi's boss and smirked "Fine then. I will fight you but I'm telling you right now, I'm not in the best of moods so you're going to get your ass kicked pretty hard." I said as I cracked my knuckles.

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