Chapter 4: Kate Get's Pregnant With Humphrey's Pups!

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(The Next Morning!)

Humphrey: (Yawns) Good Morning Kate?

Kate: (Yawns) Morning Humphrey! I must say that I slept with you pretty well actually!

Humphrey: Yeah! Me too Kate! Hey! Wait a minute? You look different Kate?

Kate: What do you mean Humphrey?

Humphrey: I just noticed something, you're belly is larger than it was yesterday when I mated with you for the first time ever! What happened?

Kate: Well, Congratulations Humphrey! You got what you wished for!

Humphrey: And what would that be Kate?

Kate: You probably won't believe this but......I'm PREGNANT!!

Humphrey: WHAT?! Are you serious Kate?

Kate: Yes! I am!

Humphrey: Oh! That's great news Kate! We are finally going to have pups of our own not to mention we have already started a family of our very own already Kate! I'm so excited to see them when they are born Kate! Oh! I just can't hold myself back Kate!

Kate: I know Humphrey! It's nerve-racking really!! I'm so excited to tell my family as well as my sister back in my family's den! So, shall we go Humphrey and tell them and you can bring all your friends too, tell them that they don't want to miss this news!

Humphrey: Alright then! I will tell them all that! So let's get going Kate! I'm so excited for when we tell them! Oh! I just gonna love their reactions!

Kate: Me too! Humphrey! Me too! Alright let's head out Humphrey!

Humphrey: Ok!

Both Kate and Humphrey go to Kate's family den and Humphrey takes a detour to tell all of his friends to meet him at Winston's den because there was a surprise to tell them all!

(10 Minutes Later, Kate arrives at her family den that she was born in along with her sister Lilly and enters the den and greets her parents upon entering the den with Humphrey walking in right behind her)

Kate: Hey Mom, Hey Dad!

Winston (Kate's Dad): Oh! Hey! Kate! Hey Honey, Kate's here!!

Eve (Kate's Mom): Oh, Hello Kate! It's so nice to see you again. How are you this morning? Did you eat before you got here darling?

Kate: Oh! Mom! Come On! Don't say that right near my lover Humphrey!

Humphrey: Oh! It's fine! Don't worry about it! It just reminds me of what my dad was before he abandoned me years ago making me become a lone wolf in the first place and not be part of either packs too!

Eve: Oh! You poor, poor thing! You can be part of our family if you want Humphrey?

Humphrey: Really?! Thanks Eve!

Eve: No problem! Anytime dear!

Winston: So, what are you doing here Kate and Humphrey?

Humphrey: We have some great news to tell you both.

Eve: Really?! Well, tell us? What is it?

Humphrey: Ah! AH! AH! We have to wait for all my friends to show up first then we can tell you!

Winston: Wait? You bringing your friends here? If I knew that we would have guests coming we would have cleaned our den a little bit!

Humphrey: Oh! There's no need for that at all Winston sir! You're den is just fine just the way it is! Like it always has been!

Winston: Oh! Thanks Humphrey! I do try my best to make and keep my den a little less.....Um...... How do you say it? .....Clattered! I guess? If that makes any sense to both or any of you?

Kate's little sister Lilly walks up to her dad and says.

Lilly (Kate's Sister): Yeah Dad! Clattered!

Lilly looks over and see's her sister Kate at the entrance of the den.

Lilly: Sis? Is that you?

Kate: Yes! It is sis! It's me!

Lilly: Oh my Wolf God! How are you sister?

Kate: I'm doing great sister! How about you?

Lilly: I'm doing wonderful Kate! Thank you for asking!

Kate: No problem! By the way, how are you with Garth?

Lilly: Oh! Me and Garth are doing just fine Kate! To put it this way, we are hitting it off like a bang! A perfect relationship between me and him! Oh! Here's Garth Now! Hey Babe!

Garth (Lilly's Mate): Hey Babe! Quick question: Why are we all standing here for? Are we waiting for some sort of standing ovation or something like that for all of us to be standing here near the entrance of Winston's den or something like that?

Winston: Oh! You just came just in time Garth. Apparently, Humphrey and Kate have some sort of big news to tell us all but Humphrey won't say a thing until all his friends' shows up here.

Lilly: Oh! Really?! My sister has some big news to tell us! Oh! What is it? What is it? Tell us? Tell us? Please Humphrey? We can't wait anymore!

Humphrey: Nope! Sorry Lilly! You have to wait a little bit longer and plus anyways, my friends should be here in just a few minutes anyways! We just have to wait for them all to arrive and that's when then we can tell you all what the big news is! Ok?

Lilly: Oh! Come on Humphrey! You can't even give us a little hint?

Humphrey: Nope! Sorry Lilly! Your only option right now is to wait for my friends Lilly! Sorry!

Lilly: Oh man! Fine!

Humphrey: Good! My friends should hopefully be here in about a few minutes everyone! We all just have to wait! Ok?

Winston: Alright Humphrey! We will wait for them!

(Moments past and Humphrey's friends arrive to Winston's den)

Salty: Hey Humphrey!

Humphrey: Hey Salty!

Winston: Now, if that is everyone? Now can you please tell us the big news you were talking about earlier when you first arrived and got here to our den in the first place Humphrey?

Salty: Yeah? What's that all about Humphrey?

Mooch: Yeah! I'm wondering that too buddy!

Shacky: Yeah! Me too! What is the big news Humphrey?

Humphrey: Well, to start off right, do you notice anything different this morning about Kate? Anything at all when we arrived?

Winston: Ummmm? No! I don't think so! At least as far as my eyes can see at this point!

Eve: Wait a minute Winston? Look!

Winston: Look where Eve? What i'm I supposed to be looking at right now honey?

Eve: Our daughter's belly! Do you notice anything? Anything at all Winston? Come on Winston, you got to be seeing something different about your own daughter Winston? Come on?!

Winston: I still don't see anything.....Wait.....I see it now! Our daughter's belly is larger than usual.

Humphrey: Bingo! You figured it out Winston and Eve! Well done! Now Kate if you could ever be too kind to us and tell them all the big news please?

Kate: Ok Humphrey! If you insist!

Kate looks at her parents with perfect eye contact and says to them....

Dun. Dun. Dun.

A/N: What will Kate's family reaction going to be? Will they be happy? Or will they be angry? Find out on the next part!

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