Chapter 2: Round One

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Hermione looked around at everyone in turn, "Lavender," she finally said.
"Truth or dare, kiss or swear?"

"Truth," Lavender said, taking a sip of the truth potion.

"Who was your first crush?" Hermione asked, looking into her eyes.

Lavender was silent for a few seconds before one word was forced out, "Seamus," she said her face turning a light pink color.

A look of surprise flashed across everyone's faces.

"Ok my turn," Ron said breaking the silence.
"Pansy, truth or dare, kiss or swear?"

"Swear," Pansy said reaching her hand out to grab Ron's.

"Swear to me that you won't smile for the rest of the game," Ron said, not letting go of her hand.

"I swear to you that I will not smile the rest of the game," Pansy said, shaking his hand.

"Hermione, truth or dare, kiss or swear?" Harry asked her.

"Dare," she said, looking into his eyes.

"I dare you to give me and Ron your books for 2 days," he said.

Hermione's mouth hung open for a while before finally saying, "Fine, I'll give them to you after the game".

"Ron, truth or dare, kiss or swear?" Draco asked.

"Kiss," Ron said winking at the girls.

Lavender looked dreamily at Ron, Pansy looked disgusted, and Hermione looked at the ground.

"Ok, kiss Hermione then," Draco said a small smirk on his face.

Ron looked at Hermione, a slight pink color crawling up his cheeks. Hermione looked up at Ron, the same shade of pink crawling up her cheeks as well. Ron leaned toward Hermione slowly closing the gap between them. He kissed Hermione and her eyes snapped shut, slowly kissing him back. Pansy started ooo-ing at them and making corny noises. The kiss lasted about 3 seconds until they finally broke apart, Hermione's eyes fluttering open slowly.

Both of them turned a bright scarlet shade and looked at the floor.

"Ok my turn, Harry, truth or dare, kiss or swear?" Lavender asked fluttering her lashes at him.

"Truth," Harry said taking the smallest sip possible of the potion.

"What is your sexual preference, if you don't mind me asking," Lavender said, fluttering her lashes at him again.

He hesitated before answering, "Guys," he said slowly, burying his head in his knees.

"You're gay?!?!" Lavender said, almost yelling.

This only made Harry more uncomfortable.

"Lavender!!! It's ok that he's gay!!! You should apologize to him!" Hermione yelled.

"You're right. I'm really sorry Harry, I was just surprised," Lavender said, giving Harry a sympathetic look, that clearly said, I'm sorry.

"It's ok Lavender, I know you didn't mean it like that," Harry said, lifting his head.

"Ok my turn. Draco truth or dare, kiss or swear?" Pansy asked, a smile crossed her face for a split second before she clutched her wrist in pain.

"Kiss," he said looking at the lady's in the room.

"Ok then, kiss Harry," Pansy said, putting her hands on her hips.

Both boys turned pale, Draco looked like a ghost he was so pale.

The two boys looked at each other in shock before Draco finally broke the silence, "There's no way I'm kissing Potter!" he yelled. 2 seconds later pressing a hand to his head, getting a bad headache.

"Well can we at least go somewhere more private?" Harry pleaded, looking at Pansy.

"Nope right here, right now," Pansy said, looking at the boys.

Harry looked at Draco in disgust, but Draco thought he saw a flash of wanting in his eyes.

Draco finally leaned towards Harry, Harry looking away from him, Pansy then blurted out "It's ok Harry, Draco's gay too if it makes you feel better," immediately smacking her hand over her mouth, realizing what she just said.

Draco whipped his head around at Pansy giving her a death stare, until she finally looked away scared he might attack her.

Draco then put two fingers under Harry's chin turning his head so he's looking at him. He felt the raven-haired boy tense up under his touch but eventually relaxing into it.

Draco lifted Harry's head and slowly closed the gap between them locking their lips, Harry started kissing him back slowly parting his lips, being greeted by Draco's warm tongue. The boys were now making out. Hermine and Pansy were ooo-ing at them. Ron had a blank look on his face and Lavender looked a little bit disgusted.

The kiss lasted about 5-7 seconds until they parted slowly, both their eyes fluttering open. A hot red color rushing up their cheeks. They turned away from each other realizing they were still in the room with the others.

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I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Again this is my first story. I apologize if it's not good.

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