3. Home Again

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"I know a place" I tell them carefully, not sure whether to suggest it.  "She knows all about you as you, but not about me"

"We can't know that" Kal argues. 

"We need to take the chance, I think we should go to my father's, I think there is more to learn there, I know he has a lot of stuff from my grandmother, things that may answer why we are linked, past and present, we can go through it all" 

"Are you sure. You may put your mortal family at risk" Owen warns and I nod briefly.

"I feel this is the right direction for us, for some reason, I believe we will be safe there" knowing the truth in the words as I say them.

"We would be foolish to doubt you" Miles lifts his eyes from the laptop and smiles at me and I relaxed a little.

"Okay, let's get ready, I will send a quick message to Terra with a burner number, in case she hears from Helene, are you going to warn your father we are coming?" Owen instructs before facing me.

"Not yet, maybe when we are nearer" I reply to him, taking his outstretched hand and rising to my feet. "I will get dressed" I murmur softly to them, aware of the flare of heat in their eyes.

Kal stands up next and catches my hand, "We have a couple of hours, and I don't know how your mortal father is going to react with our relationship, so..." he trails off and I smile as I feel them all surround me and I surrender to them.

It was after lunch when we finally packed up and loaded into the car, a different one from previously, with darkened windows, Jace and Kal putting our bags in the boot, as Miles guided me into the back, Jace joining us as Kal took the drivers seat, next to Owen.

I gave Kal the address and he put it into the Sat Nav, before starting our winding journey out of town. I settled back against Miles and closed my eyes, just wanting a few minutes rest.  Miles gently woke me and I realised we had stopped at a services, I stretched and looked round, we were an hour from home.

"Come on, we will get a coffee and have a short break, then you can call home" Owen instructed, holding my hand and we followed the others inside.

We were back in the car when I called home, putting the phone on speaker so I didn't have to repeat anything back to them afterwards.  Emma answered and I felt a surge of love for her, my voice cracking a little "Hey Em, it's Thena"

"Thena, how are you, hang on let me call your dad, he was just here" I could hear her muffled shout for him then the echo as she put me on speaker her end.

"Thena, how are you, are you in Greece still?" Dad's voice filled the car and I smile to myself.

"Hey Dad, no, I'm back in England and I'm on my way home, with some friends, to stay for a couple of days, if that's okay?" I tell him and hear Em whisper her approval in the background as he replies.

"Of course, when will you get here?" he asks, no doubt biting his lip to not question me more now.

"Thanks Dad, We are an hour away, so we will see you soon" 

"Thena, how many friends?" Em calls from the background, switching to hostess mode and I grin.

"Four plus me" I reply with a grin as I hear her muttering to herself about rooms and food.

"Do you need us to pick anything up?" I add, but am relieved when Dad declines for both of them.

"Drive safe and we will see you soon" he says ringing off.

"Your father has questions" Owen says looking back at me and I nod.

"How much do you want to tell him?"

"Everything, I trust him and Emma and they need to know, as much to keep themselves safe, as to understand what's happening with me and you all" I reply, blushing as I realise I am going to have to explain my new relationships to my Dad.

Both Miles and Jace hold my hands as an hour later we turn into the driveway, the crunch of the gravel under the car wheels seeming overly loud, then suddenly everything was silent as we stopped. I held my breath, knowing the coming introduction was going to be difficult, till Jace's whispers command to 'Breathe" broke through and I blinked, just as the door opened and my father and Emma appeared.

Owen got out first, turning to open our door and Jace kept my hand in his as he helped me out of the car and I was face to face with my Dad.

"Thena?" he questioned softly, looking at the men stood around me in a little shock.

I straighten a little and smile back weakly "Dad, this is Owen, Kal, Miles and Jace.  I have a lot to tell you" I say and he nods, looking again at my men before stepping back and raising his arm towards the door.

"Then we had best be comfortable" he replies, leading the way, his arm circling Emma as he passes through the door and guides us to his study.

Vengeful (Her Gods - Book Two) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now