2. Family or Foe

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Back at their apartment, Owen dragged me off to the shower with him, saying we all smelt of the fire and needed to clean up.  I followed him wordlessly, happy to wash this mornings experience away, before we start looking into the drive Terra had given us and before we found out who had warned Helene.

"Relax" his voice growled into my ear as his hands kneaded and caressed me, until I felt boneless in his hold, his strong arms coming up to lift me and hold me in place as his cock slid deep inside me, keeping me still in his arms as my body welcomed his.

He started to move slowly, each movement causing the frisson of feeling to grow and build, keeping me on edge, until I was crying and pleading in his arms and he gave the command I needed "Cum!" He ordered.  The orgasm started at my toes and swept up through my whole body, my mind whitening out for a few blissful moments before his soft chuckle brought me back to him.

"Yes my love" he replied softly, his gaze searching mine.
"I'm glad you are all safe, I couldn't bear to lose you, any of you, again" I tell him and revel in the heat of his body as he pulls me in close to him.
"Thena, you saved us today, your feelings warned you, warned us all, we need to trust them, because we won't lose you either, not now, not ever" he soothed, his hand stoking my back.

Knock Knock "Come on you two, we have work to do" Jace called from the other side of the door and Owen and I exchanged a smile before getting out as Owen called "Five minutes".

Back in his bedroom he threw me a robe to wear as he slipped into a t shirt and jeans before taking my hand and pulling me out to join the others.
I smiled gratefully at Kal as he handed me a mug of coffee and put a sandwich down in front of me.
"Eat" he instructed, sitting down opposite me and starting on his own huge pile of sandwiches. I glanced at the clock and saw it was nearly mid afternoon and we had missed lunch completely with everything that had happened. My stomach chose that moment to growl loudly, earning chuckles from around the table and a raised brow from Kal, as he looked pointedly between me and my sandwich. I smiled back at him before tucking in.

Miles had his laptop open on the table in front of him and was watching the screen as he ate, every now and again hitting a key to continue whatever he was doing. I saw the drive sticking out the side so I knew he was checking it out but waited for him to tell us.
"I'm in" Miles finally exclaimed, pushing his plate aside and pulling the laptop closer, his fingers racing over the keyboard.
"Well?" The others asked and Kal huffed as Miles snapped back. "Give me a minute"

I put my unfinished sandwich down and pushed the plate away. My gaze fixed on Miles face and I knew the moment something changed by his expression.
"Miles. what have you found?" I asked softly, my hand reaching for his as the others watched silently.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck" Miles swore and I could feel the concern radiating off the others at his uncharacteristic behaviour.
"Miles?" I prompt him.
"Terra put the recordings of outside Helene's office from this morning on there, I know who went to her, who is helping her" he said slowly raising his eyes to mine, and I could see the fear in their depths.
"Who?" I ask softly, twisting my fingers through his, both to offer support and to feel secure once he told me, as judging by his reaction, it was a major problem.
"Ares" he muttered and I felt my breath catch and felt the swing of my hair against my neck as I shook my head.
"No" I whispered and his fingers tightened before freeing me so he could turn the laptop to face me, the recording of Helene and Ares embracing, his lips claiming hers in a familiar way, that spoke of a long and physical acquaintance.
I watch the screen my heart screaming in denial of Ares actions but I could see with my own eyes... my brother had betrayed me.
"Do you think Zeus knows?" Kal asks carefully and I raise wet eyes to him.
"I hope not but I think given what has happened to us, we need to be very careful about who we contact and what we share" I say, straightening my back.  My brother had made his choice, he had chosen a side opposite mine and for that I would be sad but I would protect my men, even from him.

"What else has she given us?" I ask Miles, wanting to move on from the video.
Miles smiled at me, accepting the change of subject, "Schedules and diaries for the last five years, account names and numbers, addresses and contact details, in fact she has given us a clear picture of what Helene has been up to for the last five years and a list of everywhere she could possibly go to hide of her own, if Ar... someone else is hiding her then it will be a bit more difficult."
"That's a lot to go through, it may take us a few days, maybe longer" Owen muttered and I took his hand in mine to squeeze it softly.
"It's okay, she thinks we are dead, hopefully we have some time until she find out we are still alive" I tell him.
"We cannot count on that" Kal warns and I know the others agree with him.
"We need to believe we have time, we need to go through this, I feel the information will help us, we just need to find out what's relevant"
"Okay, but I think we should relocate, she knows about this place, we need to be off her radar to be safe" Owen offers and I nod, happy with that.

Vengeful (Her Gods - Book Two) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now