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YES I'm doing the typical "My brother's best friend" for Hongjoong so don't judge me

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YES I'm doing the typical "My brother's best friend" for Hongjoong so don't judge me.

Me and my brother Seonghwa have been living together for over two years now, our parents were always busy with work so you could say he basically raised me and when he became an adult he told me to come live with him cause he didn't what me to be alone.

A few months ago one of Seonghwa's best friends Hongjoong move with us. I've known Hongjoong for a while now since him and Seonghwa have been friends for years.

At first I thought him leaving here would be a pain in the ass is not that I dislike his is just thought it would be chaotic having my brother and is best friend living under the same roof.

Then I notice that I was totally wrong it's actually really nice to have another person, I don't know maybe I was getting tired of my brother (HOW DEAR YOU) yes he didn't help that much with cleaning but how do I fool that is Seonghwa's job in this house.

And now I SERIOUSLY THINK I'M GOING CRAZY isn't it weird like he is MU BROTHERS BEST FRIEND wouldn't that be awkward that I'm starting to have feelings for him. Its that I'm this past few months I've realized how hard working he is or how creative he is or how good dose he look when ok I think I should stop right there.

Today it's a weekend and I woke up took a bath and went downstairs to have breakfast.

When I enter the kitchen there was Hongjoong working on his computer he has been working home recently cause me brother wouldn't stop nagging him for not being home.

"Did you said up all night again?" I asked him, he looked up at me and smiled.

"Yes I just had to finish this beat btw Seonghwa left for some groceries but I think he left breakfast ready" he said.

"You haven't eaten?!" I asked.

"Well I was too concentrated and Seonghwa kind of give up on telling me to live the computer" he answer scratching the nape of his neck.

"Well I'm not giving up on you yet" I said grabbing his computer.

"No no no no please y/n give it back" he said flowing me.

"Not until you eat something" I said escaping from him.

"I promise that when I'm done I'll eat" he continue chasing me.

"Don't you always say that to Seonghwa and look what happens" I said getting closer to the counter.

Then he pulled me against the counter trapping me and him being taller than me did not help this situation.

I didn't dare looking at him just the fact that beating this close to him made my heart flutter.

"Yes I do tell that to Seonghwa" he gets closer to my face.

"But you aren't Seonghwa" he grabs my face making me look at him.

We stare at each other for a while and I felt mi face getting red but I couldn't look away since his hands were still on my face.

His face was getting closer to mine when all the sudden we heard the bell ring making us pull away from each other. Hongjoong when y to open the door and came back with my brother and a bunch of groceries.

"Hi sis why are you holding Joong's computer and why is your face so red?" He asked me.

"Yes you ask me why this and why that no a how are you did I you have breakfast yet did you sleep well" quickly change the topic and went to my bedroom.


"Wow someone woke up the wrong side of bed this morning" Seonghwa said and I just couldn't get y/n out of my mind.

Do I like her? but she is Seonghwa's little sister what if he'll hate me because of this or what if he kicks me out of the house? Mi mind was running crazy.

"Hey are you ok you look worried" he asked me concerned.

"Yes I'm fine is just can I ask you a question?" I said.

"Yea sure you are my best friend after all" he answered.

"Just please don't hate me" he looked at me with curiosity.

I cover my self with my blankets "It's oficial this is my new home I'm not going out" I said to my self. I was so embarrassed and my heart couldn't stop going crazy.

My mental breakdown was interrupted by a knock on my door. Assuming it was my brother I told him to come in.

There was a dead silence for a moment bu then I got up and asked him.

"What do you-" I was cut of when I noticed that it was actually Joong in front of me with my favorite flowers.

"Hi" he said blushing.

"hi" I said embarrassed there was an awkward silence but then Hongjoong grabbed my hands and took me to the garden.

There was a blanket on the grass and the breakfast the Seonghwa had made and other snacks.

"Neither of us has had breakfast" he said putting the flower on the blanket making me sit down along with him.

I look at the blanket at the small picnic he had arranged and looked back at him.

"Look y/n about what happened at the kitchen I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything like that is just that IlikeyoualotandI'mjusttoshytosayitandIunderstandifyoudon'twantmetolivehereanymore and-" I shoved a strawberry at his mouth.

"You silly" I laugh and he locked at me confused.

"I also like you" I said looking down

Without any warning he kissed me on the lips it was just so sweet and delicate like he was afraid of hurting me.

After we pulled away we smiled to each other "Will you be my girlfriend" he asked "Haha I thought with confection would be more that clear, of course I'll be your girlfriend"

Before we were able to pull into another kiss we heard my brother shout


Wow i got inspired while writing this 😂 hope you enjoy it also sorry if it doesn't make seance

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Wow i got inspired while writing this 😂 hope you enjoy it also sorry if it doesn't make seance.

Next is a Yunho imagine

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