One Year Ago

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You jerked as your clock went off. 5am. You guess your clock already knew about your new schedule change. This would be the start of your day every week day for hopefully the rest of your life. Your nerves multiplied which you didn't think was possible since they kept you up all night. Threatening you with vomit every time you moved or even thought about your new job.

It was your first day working as a nurse on Starkiller. One of the many bases of the First Order. You sighed, knowing that not getting even one minute of sleep was going to bite you in the ass later on in your 12 hour shift at the medical station. You lifted yourself off of your bed and headed towards your bathroom. You cringed a bit when you looked in your mirror and saw the newly formed bold dark circles under your eyes. You swept the hair out of your face and tied it in a ponytail. You put on your fresh scrubs signifying a new beginning in your career, and headed off to the medical station.

You were met with a welcoming smile from a darker skin toned woman who was at least in her 60s. You nervously smiled back and red her name tag "Christy Bane".

"Hi Ms. Banes" you eagerly said. Trying the best you could at acting like there wasn't vomit rising at your throat.

"Oh please, call me Christy" woman replied.

"O-Okay" you said simultaneously releasing some tension from your shoulders because you knew now at least one person was nice.

"Here, take this. This is your medical pad. Keep it with you at all times that you are clocked in. It holds all the information of the current patients and other useful tools to aid you." Christy picked one up out of the pile of five others and handed it to you. "We will wait until the others arrive and then will start showing you all the ropes."

You smiled, took the pad and walked over to a spot up against the counter of the station, patiently waiting for the four other new arrivals.

One by one, three of your new coworkers arrived. "Hi, I'm Jamie..... Hi, I'm Kylie..... Hi, I'm Charlotte..." At 5:35, five minutes after everyone's  scheduled clock in times, a girl fast walking but trying to play it off as if she weren't came down the hallway with face full of nervousness and urgency. Christy, now not nearly as welcoming, looked up from her watch. "You're five minutes late." Noticeably out of breath, the girl walking closer to Christy said "I know, I am so sorry, somehow my clock didn't sync up with the new cha-" "No excuses" said Christy holding up her hand and then reaching for the pad to give to the girl. "Your name?" Christy said. "Alora, ma'am" the now named Alora replied. Frankie and Jamie said nothing while Charlotte scoffed, clearly mind blown as to how someone could be five minutes late their first day.

"Now we will begin of showing you all how things are done around here" Christy said turning to face the four of us. She led us into the medical station and started to run down all that we needed to do and look out for during each shift. You leaned into Alora, who was clearly upset knowing that her first impression to our boss was not a good one, and whispered "Hey it's okay I'm sure you're a great nurse and will get back on Christy's good side in no time." She seemed to find those words comforting and her whole facial expression changed and she said "Thanks that means a lot, what's your name?" "___" You replied with a smile and you shook her hand.

Christy was done telling us all of the procedures and we were free to get to work with Christy looming over our shoulders making sure we were doing everything correctly. 6 hours went by and you were doing pretty good, Christy only needed to correct you 3 times on something that you were doing wrong and you called that a victory.

Lunch times were scheduled for two people at the same time. You found out you and Alora were scheduled the same times. Jamie and Kylie were scheduled at the same time too. And Charlotte and Christy were scheduled the same as well. You and Alora washed your hands and headed to the cafeteria. A huge steel room with a buffett style of food. Even though they all tasted the same. (Gourmet meals were not the Starkillers first priorities i.e. the name.) You and Alora sat down with your trays and started to devour your food since 6 hours of mostly standing can do that to a person. "How has your first day been going?" You said trying to start a conversation. "Pretty good, I'm absolutely exhausted though." Alora replied between the forkfuls of her meal. "Yeah I'm pretty tired too, I like the work though everyone seems nice enough." "Yea" Alora replied, "except for that bitch named Charlotte, she's been giving me the side eye all day. She's so prissy even her nose grew like it was permanently turned up at something it didn't like the smell of, she looks like a pig." You choked on some of the water you had been drinking making it come up unnaturally in your nose burning it. You and Alora laughed so hard you had tears streaming down you face. "Yea-HAHA- she does kinda look like- HAHAHA- a pig- BAHAHHAAH" you replied barely able to speak. You could feel the friendship grow between you too and was extremely happy about it. At the academy the professors piled so much work onto the students you really didn't have time to have friends. You missed this.

You and Alora were walking back from the cafeteria to the nurses station towards the end of your lunch break still having little bursts of giggles hear and there.  That's when you saw him. Kylo Ren. A little too up close for your comfort since you didn't notice the man in the black cloak until you were only three feet away from him. Obviously furious about something. You could feel it in the air. Suffocating on his rage and everyone else's fear in the huge hallway leading to all sorts of places. Still, General Hux was maintaining his ground as hard as it was with a massive, 6 foot tall, creature looming over him. You could hear the heaving breathing through Kylo Ren's intimidating mask. In a furious but still cautious face, General Hux said "Your incompetence and failure to complete the mission and retrieve the girl had to be reported to Supreme Leader Snoke at once. He would want to know the failures of his pupil." And like lightning speed Kylo Ren took his lightsaber out of its holster and turned it on. He lifted it up to strike against the steel of the wall but before he could hit the wall he hit your arm instead. Blinding pain travelled up and down your body as each and every one of your nerves screamed. A huge gash appeared on the back of your arm and was bleeding profusely. The lightsaber cut clean through your flesh and meat like it was nothing and you fell backwards, screaming bloody murder. Kylo Ren, unaware of the damage he has done or aware of it but just didn't care. Slashed the metal wall relentlessly, you guessed as a way to blow off steam. But at the fucking cost of the workers on the Starkiller having to clean up after his toddler tantrums. You didn't stop screaming, your throat was pleading for you to stop but you couldn't. Tears falling down your face and blood gushing out and around your body. Alora jumped into action and pulled you over a few feet to the medical station, Christy coming to aid her. Thank the force you were only a few feet away from the medical station or you would've definitely bled out and died. Faceless, nameless nurses helped to lift you up and onto a gurney but you didn't notice. All you could do was scream and kick from the unrelenting pain that was all over your body. You felt the movement of the gurney and then blackness. Either from the lack of blood or pain, probably both, you passed out.

That's when the hatred started.

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