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Full Name: Shadow (no one knows his last name or his real first name)
Age: A year older than you
Likes: You, red, Converse, drawing, and screamo music
Dislikes: Not being with you, haters, pop music, and his ex
Let's get on with the story, shall we? ('I','me',etc is you):
I walk the streets, blasting BVB in my ears. I'm walking to get away from my parents. They're always fighting and they take it out on me and my younger brother, Nick. I check the time on my phone. 9:30. I better be getting home, I guess. Just then I'm tackled to the ground and someone's on top of me. I see a knife and go rigid. Oh. My. GOD. I'm gonna be raped and I' too scared to scream, I thought. Finally, its like I was thawed out, because I'm thrashing with my legs, but they don't connect with anything but air. I scream and struggle to get away. The guy takes the knife and slices a hole big enough for him to slip his hand up my pants. I gasp. I try to scream again, but the man punches my throat making me gag and cough. The man continues up my leg and reaches my boy shorts. Just as he's slipping his hands up my shorts, he was pulled off me and knocked to the ground. There's a boy about my age on top of the man, beating the living crap out of him. The man's unconscious but the boy doesn't stop. I get up, still holding my throat from the man's punch, and try to pull the boy off the man. The boy swings at me and I yelp, bringing him back to reality. He gets off the man and walks over to me, now on my knees because of him hitting me. "I'm so sorry. Are you OK?" he asked. I managed to nod. He could tell I was hurting and picked me up, bridal style. Then I blacked out.
I wake up in a house I've never seen before. What had happened last night came back and I remembered the boy picking me up and carrying me. This must be his house. I look around the room and can tell its a boys room. There are clothes on the floor all around the room, screamo band posters on the walls, and the bed is gray and black. Yep, definitely his house, I think. I prop myself on my elbows as someone comes in. Its the boy from last night. He doesn't realize that I'm awake until he gets to the chair beside the bed. He must have slept in the chair, how sweet, I thought as he looked at me. "Oh, your awake good. You want something to eat?" he says, gesturing to the tray, that I didn't realize he had, in his hands. I nod. "OK, here I brought you some stuff I know you like to eat." he said, giving me a small salad (your a vegetarian), a glass of water, and an apple. "Thank you, but how did you know that I like all of this?" I croaked, my throat still hurts from that punch. "We go to the same school and I watch you eat at lunch all the time and you always get the same thing." he replied, with a slight blush. "You're not in any of my classes." I stated, taking a drink of water. "No, I'm a year older than you. I'm a senior." he replied, watching you eat. "That makes sense then." I stated. "So, I never asked, how you feeling?" he asked, cocking his head to the side like a dog. You suppressed a giggle, "Honestly, my throat is killing me and I'm sore where the guy cut me and where you hit me." I said, narrowing my eyes playfully. "Hey, don't blame me. You tried to stop me." he said with his hands up in mock surrender. I laughed, "Yea, and look where it got me." He laughed. His voice is so deep, its hot. "Oh, by the way, I'm Shadow." the boy replied, looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes. "Y/N." I said. "Yea, I know." he said, looking down. "Hey there's nothing to be ashamed of. We all stalk someone sometimes." I replied, with a smile. "I wasn't stalking. If I had been, don't you think I'd know where you live?" he replied, coldly. "Whoa, chill, man. I was teasing you. I didn't mean for you to get mad. Sorry." I said, looking at him, surprised. "I know. I just take stuff so seriously sometimes." he replied, looking ashamed that he snapped at me. "That's OK. I know now. I can get used to it." I said, lifting his chin so that he looked at me. "Why are you not mad at me?" he asked. "Why should I be? You didn't mean anything." I replied, confused. "My ex got mad at me for snapping at her and she broke up with me because of my short temper." "I'm not anything like her." I said. "I know. I can see that now." he said, leaning in. I met him halfway. I put my index fingers in his belt loops and pulled him up on top of me. His piercings were cold against my lips, making me shiver. He grabbed my hip with one hand and kept himself supported with the other. I ran my hands up his chest and entwined them with his hair. He rolled over, putting me on top of him, without breaking the kiss. He ran his hands up my sides and looped his fingers in my belt loops, pulling me closer to him. I finally broke the kiss, needing air, and sat on top of him, both of us panting. He twirled my hair around his finger and looked at me. "Be my girlfriend?" he asked, resting his hands on my hips. I leaned down and kissed him. He rolled me over so he was atop of me again. "Does that answer your question?" I asked when we broke apart. He nodded and leaned in for small kiss.

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