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_means your name.
First name:Drake
Likes:reading,writing,drawing,being alone,the woods,quiet.
Its Saturday, now it was early in the morning. You woke up with the sun blinding you, you groaned and took a shower and got dressed. You grabbed your bag and put a bottle of water in it and grabbed a snack, you headed to the library. You were walking down the side walk and just listening to your feet hit the pavement, you walked in and grabbed some books and checked them out. You were looking down at the cover of the book and walking at the same time. You weren't paying attention to bumped into a guy he had swept over hair and beautiful brown eyes.
"Uh... sorry.'' He hurried away, you blushed at the fact that he even spoke to you. He left so quickly you couldn't even respond. You didn't know where he went, you sighed and walked out the door of the library. You started heading to the woods. You put your hood up and continued walking, you were at your secret spot in the woods. You sat down at a large tree, you pulled out your books and started reading it was quiet. You enjoyed it, you were far in your book for only reading for about an hour. Then you heard footsteps, your heart skipped a beat. You were nervous, nobody really knew about this place. You quietly closed your book and put it in your bag. You grabbed your bag and started walking away.
"Wait, please don't go, I didn't mean to scare you.'' You stopped, you were scared you turned around. It was the same boy from the library, you were nervous. "I thought nobody knew about this place.'' He chuckled.
"I always come here.'' You said quietly.
"Well, I come here at night time. But, today I wanted to come earlier.'' He took a step towards you. "My name is Drake.'' He extended his hand, you shook it.
"I'm ___.'' You looked at the ground and blushed.
"Don't be shy.'' He took my hand and sat me back down where I was before, he sat with me. "What are you reading?'' He asked.
"The Darkness Begins" You pulled the book out and handed it to him.
"I love this book.'' He flipped the pages, you talked and found out you liked all the same kind of stuff. Your mom called and told you to come back home.
"Goodbye, Drake.'' You waved and grabbed your bag.
"See you here tomorrow?" He asked, you thought about it and nodded, you walked home.

**Everyday you came back there and met with Drake, he was always there waiting for you**
You woke up during summer break and put on some clothes and ran out the door.
You went back to the spot in the woods after about 2 months of knowing Drake, the same time everyday. But today, he wasn't there. You sighed and thought, maybe he's just late. A few hours past and no sign of Drake, you decided to text him.

You: Drake, are you coming?
Drake: Uh... no. Do you mind coming to my house?
You: Sure, be there soon.

You grabbed your bag and headed to Drake's house, you knocked on the door. He opened it and greeted you, he scratched his neck.
"Come in...'' He said shyly, you walked into the living room with him. You sat down and it was an awkward silence for a few minutes.
"Drake, what's wrong?" You asked and looked at him. He looked away. "Drake...''
"Well, ___. I have a secret... I haven't told you.''
"What is it?" You asked.
"Well, I like a girl. Well, not like, love...'' He looked down and gulped.
"Who?" Your heart sank at the thought of him liking someone else, you've liked him since the day you met him.
"Well...'' He looked away. "....You.'' He looked at you, you smiled and you took his hand and kissed him.
"Drake, I've liked you since the day we met. I was so afraid to tell you, I didn't think you liked me back.'' You smiled, he looked at you and smiled.
"Can.... Can I kiss you?" He asked, you didn't answer instead you planted your lips on his. He put his hand on your back. "Will you just be mine?" He laughed.
"Of course, silly.'' You kissed him again.

*A few years later*
Proposal: You and Drake are very successful writers, you were in your house writing thoughts about a new book you were going to publish, when Drake walked in.
"Hey, babe. Can you read this and tell me what you think?" He handed you a paper and you took it and read it, all it said was. '___, I love you with all my heart, and you know that. I always dreamed of finding a love like you, and my dreams came true the day I met you. I was pondering the state of my affairs, and I discovered I need you for my wife, I really love you and have a lot of cares,about you being my wife for my whole life. Will you marry me, my love?" You looked at Drake who was on one knee, you stood up and smiled and he opened the ring box.
"Yes.'' You cheered, he picked you up and he kissed you.

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