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Full Name: Isaac Micheal Henderson
Age: 3 years older than you
Likes: You, Boys Like Girls, playing piano, and darkness
Dislikes: Pops, his parents, and rude people
Let the story begin!!('I','me',etc is you):
I walked into the Starbucks and waved at my friend, Jason. I sat at a table and took out my phone, waiting for someone to come and take my order. I heard someone clear their throat and saw a boy that looked a few years older than me holding a pad of paper and looking at me expectantly. "Oh, sorry. One iced mocha and a chocolate chip cookie please." I said, with an apologetic smile. He smiles back and walks away. I turn back to my phone and wait for him to come back with my order. When he comes back, I thank him and take a sip of my mocha. As I pick up my cookie, I see something written on a napkin he gave me. I look closer at it and smile. It says; CALL ME ~ISAAC and has his number scrawled at the bottom. I fold the napkin and put it in my coat pocket. As I eat, I notice him staring at me. I nod in his direction, letting him know I got the note and will follow it. He smiles and nods back. After finishing and paying, I wait for Jason to get off work. When he gets off, he meets me outside and says, "Saw you and Issac flirting." "We were not." I protest, even though I know its true. "Oh, bull. He gave you his number, right?" he asks, turning to me. "Yea so?" I say, defensively. "He gave it to you freely. He wants to know you more. I'd say he wants to go out with you." "He does not!!!" I say, even though I'm hoping on the inside. "Yea, he does. Anyway, are you gonna give him a call tonight?" Jason asks. "Yea, probably." I say. Jason nods and keeps on walking. We get to my apartment and Jason goes to his, next door. When I get inside, I immediately change. I grab my phone and Isaac's number out of my coat pocket and dial it. It rings two times before someone picks up, "Hello?" "Hi, is Isaac there?" I ask, uncertain. "Is this the girl from Starbucks?" asks the boy on the other end. "Yea. And I'm guessing you're Isaac." I say, a smile playing on my lips. "Yep. I never got YOUR name though." he says. "Its Y/N." I say, grabbing the TV remote and turning on TMZ. "That's a pretty name." says Isaac. "Thanks." I say, going into the kitchen and putting some popcorn into the microwave. "So, hey, you wanna hang out tomorrow?" he asks, nervously. "Yea, sure. Where?" I ask as the popcorn dings. "I was thinking we could just hang at my place. Or yours. Where ever you're most comfortable." "My place is fine. Here's the address-" I said, giving him the address. "Cool. See you at 6?" he asks. "Sounds great." I say, sitting on the couch, criss-cross, with the popcorn in between my legs. After hanging up, I continued to watch TV until 10:30. Then I turned off the TV and went to bed.
The next day, I get dressed and after eating breakfast, I went over to Jason's and hung out there until 5:45. When I got back to my apartment, I cleaned up my mess from this morning and last night. After cleaning, I checked the time. 5:57. I shrug and sit on the couch to watch TV. About 5 minutes later, there's a knock on my door. I open it to reveal Isaac. "Hey. Come on in." I say, going to sit back on the couch. He follows me to the couch and sits beside me, "What we gonna do?" "I was thinking movie night." I say. "Fine with me. What movies are we gonna watch?" he asks, looking at me. "I was thinking horror." He just nods. I go into the kitchen and put popcorn into the microwave. I go back into the living room to see him standing up and looking around the room. "Nice place." he says, looking at me. "Thanks. You wanna pick the movie or shall I?" I ask. "You go ahead." he says, continuing to look around. I shrug. I pick out Paranormal Activity and go get the popcorn. I come back and Isaac's standing in the middle of the room, staring at me. I blush and look down, "What?" "Nothing." he says, stepping closer to me. I suck in a breath as he lifts my chin. He leans in and plants a kiss on my lips. I put the popcorn on the table next to us and wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls back, "I've been waiting to do that since yesterday." I look at him and smile, "Do it again." And he does. But this one is more passionate than the last. I smile into the kiss. I put my hands on his sides as he cups my face. We break apart, panting. "Let's get to that movie, shall we?" I say, with a smile. He nods and kisses me again.
You and Isaac date for 5 years before he proposes to you on your 21 birthday. You say yes of course. 7 months later your on your honeymoon and become pregnant. You have 2 beautiful boys 9 months later; Kyle and Kain. You end up having 2 more boys and a girl before you hit 35; Luke, Nia, and Jeremy.
Hey guys I was wondering if I should start adding future things like I had on this one.. Comment if I should or not so I can think about it more! Lub yoi:D

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