Cockroaches and Pickles

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Hi! I hope you enjoy short 2!

Also, writing on here is cute and all, but isn't that fun when there's no interaction, so I greatly encourage comments. It actually encourages me to keep writing. Thanks 🙃


An exhausted Meek grabbed his towel from off of his weight machine before running it over his damp face as he caught his breath. After having lunch with the crew in the student dining hall and heading over to his apartment with Nicki for a little love session followed by a shower, Meek decided that he wanted to get a workout in to further work off the large serving of chicken cordon-bleu he had at lunch.

It was now just after 7 o'clock in the evening and Meek was pleased that he was one of the only two students left in the weight room. The less students lessened the likelihood that he would have to wait for a machine to become available. Standing up from the seat of his machine, Meek shook his long muscular legs out before he stretched his equally long and muscular arms over his head. His dark eyes focused on the scene outside of the weight room window and into the workout room. There, he could see the small handful of students working out on the cardio machines before his eyes rested on Nicki's familiar form that was running at a steady pace on one of the treadmills.

Meek smirked as his eyes trailed over her curvy shape while her back remained turned to him. She was wearing a sleeveless white cropped t-shirt and a pair of bright pink high-waisted workout leggings. His eyes moved to her straightened black hair that was pulled up into a ponytail at the back of her head before his eyes quickly fell to her round ass that was bouncing in time with her strides. It reminded him of how he watched it bounce similarly when she was riding him backwards in his bed just a couple of hours before.

Meek walked over to the disinfectant wipe dispenser before grabbing a few and thoroughly wiping down the machine he had just been using. After tossing them away, Meek stopped in front of the weight room window to look out at Nicki again before deciding to play with her a little. Pulling his phone out from the pocket of his sweatpants, Meek quickly unlocked the device before opening his text message conversation with Nicki, 'Mami looks sexy as shit running in those tight little workout leggings 😏' he typed before hitting send.

Meek could see Nicki's head was angled upward towards the television that was hanging in front of her machine before it fell to her phone that was laying on the treadmill screen. He watched her use one of her hands to pick up her phone and assumed she had read his text when her head suddenly turned back in his direction with a smirk. They made eye contact briefly and Meek chuckled when Nicki rolled her eyes before resuming her attention back to the news station that was playing on the television.

Feeling that he had done enough in the weight room for the time being that evening, Meek figured he would give Nicki a little visit. She had been going to the gym with him on and off ever since the new semester started, and he liked when they would spend time together here. Resting his towel over his shoulders, Meek pushed open the weight room door and stepped out into the workout room. The room was loud due to the sound of working cardio machines and also due to the newscasters talking about the Coronavirus on the televisions.

Meek gingerly worked his way around the sea of machines before coming to a stop once he got to Nicki's machine, "Hey, baby," he said once Nicki realized his presence. She pulled one of her AirPods out of her ears and grinned a little as Meek affectionately removed some sweaty curling tendrils from her face with his hand, "you doing okay?" he asked, noting her sweat slicked body. Her pretty face was a little pink as she breathed out of her pouty lips.

Meek watched Nicki nod at him as she continued running, "You sure?" he asked, looking at the machine to see how long she had been running at that fast pace. She had been going for twenty-six minutes and fifty-seven seconds and on an incline, "I'm about to slow this down," he said, reaching over the machine to lower the speed.

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