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y/n was a fucking mess.

no, not the kind of mess where she'd put on whatever clothes she first spotted in the morning or forget to brush her hair.

the kind of mess who constantly brought trouble wherever she went.

she originally lived in Versailles, where she attended a distinguished all girls school.

to put it simply, she hated it there. her reputation as a mess started when she walked into class on the first day of freshman year with her skirt hiked up so high the nun who was teaching almost had a heart attack. she was lucky she wore sneakers that day, because she got stuck cleaning the entire classroom after school as her punishment.

she surprisingly lasted two years there without getting expelled, given her antics gave every single worker there a headache.

the student body was divided on how they felt about her. some students found it amusing, others just wanted to learn fucking chemistry.

her most notorious screw up was at the end of sophomore year. she decided it would be a good idea to skateboard into school since she was about one tardy away from a suspension, and she had two minutes to get to class.

the moment the wheels hit the freshly moped floor, she lost control almost instantly. she jumped off the board in a panic, accidentally launching it into a statue that had been in the center of the courtyard since the school was initially build.

y/n winced as the board somehow managed to behead the statue. it was delicate after all, the school was at least a couple hundred years old. she assumed she would get that suspension after all for a different reason now, but the head nun finally had enough.

she sat in the office tapping her feet as the nun proceeded to list all of the things she's done wrong while attending the academy.

" times you've damaged property, six times you've had vulgar arguments with fellow students, public intoxication and public indecency once or twice," the woman narrowed her eyes. "do i have to go on miss l/n?"

"" y/n sunk in the chair.

"the board has come to an agreement that you attending this academy will be prohibited from this point forward. we have given you many chances to change your ways and you have failed to comply every time." she took her glasses off and set them down on the counter.

"so does this mean i'm expelled?" y/n asked, mentally face palming at how stupid the question was.

"yes, effective immediately. your parents have been notified already."

"can i get my skateboard back though?"

she did not get her skateboard back.

instead, she got an earful from her parents the moment she stepped foot inside.

being expelled wasn't so bad for y/n though. she got to sleep in every day, wear whatever she wanted, and didn't have to deal with a religious women calling her a disappointment.

the felt vacation was short lived, like her parents anger at her.

after all, they planned on moving to Paris for a while now and she would have to be transferred anyways.

y/n hated the idea of moving away, Versailles was an amazing city in her opinion. Paris was overrated and romanticized too much, leaving her home town that had a literal palace in the dust.

she also hated the idea that she would now be going to Françoise Dupont High School, which coincidentally had a student named Marionette who attended there. now marionette's cousin, who attended y/n's former school, hated y/n with a passion.

she hated the outbursts and the drama that followed y/n's heels everywhere she went. this meaning; the fresh start y/n wanted so badly was not going to happen.

the summer alone in the city of love didn't suck so much though, she kept her mind off of the world around her as she watched movies and got high every night.

this fun little routine made the months go by fast, and before she knew it, she was staring at her ceiling the night before the first day of school.

"hopefully i won't fuck up" she thought.

little did she know, messing up was going to be the best decision of her life.

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