Where is She

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Jon got dressed and headed down for dinner . He took a little extra care in dressing and grooming himself tonight . He felt as nervous as a schoolboy with his first crush . 

When he reached the dining hall . Bran was seated already along with Meera .He nodded hello . They were already expecting him . There were all his favorite foods laid out on the table . He didn't have an appetite though . His nerves were in overdrive . 

Bran : Have a seat Jon .

Jon : Bran I have something to tell you and Sansa , this can't wait any longer . Where is she ? I would have thought she'd have  joined us by now. 

Bran : She's not here Jon . 

Jon : What ?? Where is she ? Look bring her here immediately , I can't have her be the last in the family to know. 

Bran : She will be the last to know . I already know about your parentage , I saw it in my vision . I've known for awhile . I saw  when your mother gave birth at the Tower of Joy. So any reservations you have had about Sam's information you can put to rest . You are our cousin , Lyanna's son . You're still a Stark, you still have Stark blood running through you. 

Jon : If you know all that , then you know why I need to speak to Sansa . 

Bran : Yes, I know why you want to see her . And you don't have to worry about what I think . I have known for awhile what the nature of your relationship is . Who am I to judge? 

Jon : Well , thank you Bran . 

Bran : I know you wrote in your letters that you said you  were going to discuss the political ramifications of your parentage with us when you arrived . Since Sansa is not here, and since technically I am in charge I need to know what's going on .

Jon explained the deal he had made with Daenerys .  Bran attentively listened and approved of what Jon had planned. Now the question was , who was going to be King ? Bran said that he had no interest in being King in the North . At that point Jon stopped the conversation .

Jon : Look Bran that all can be discussed later and we have to have all the Northern houses on board with the  decision. This can all wait . I have to see Sansa. 

Bran : I have to warn you , she doesn't want to see you . I have sent my letters along  with yours and she hasn't wanted to see them . I have been informed that she hasn't opened any of them and doesn't want to know anything about what is happening in the South and she especially doesn't want to know what is happening with you . 

Jon : What do you mean ? She hasn't opened any letters.

Bran : Exactly what I said , she wanted to walk away and move on from Winterfell . But the truth is she wanted to move on from you . She wanted a fresh start . She felt you wouldn't come back , and she also didn't want to live in a place where Daenerys was Queen . After all the tension during the Long Night , she said she just wanted to be free for once in her life and not be bound by duty . So she left. 

Jon :  Where did she go ? Tell me right now .

Bran : I can't . I promised her I wouldn't tell you .

Jon :{ getting angrier and scowling } Bran, so help me Gods I will knock you into next week if you don't  tell me right now!!

Bran: Well she did say if there was a dire emergency I should contact her .

Jon: This is a dire emergency !! If  you don't tell me where she is , I'm going to have to hurt you .

Bran : She is with Tormund and the Freefolk .

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