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 Jon finally comes back to Winterfell months after leaving for Kings Landing . . He arrives on the back of Rhaegal . The beast is left in the vast courtyard as everyone flees . Jon smoothly slides off the creature and Rhaegal takes off to perch on the mountainside .The whole courtyard is in fear as the creature leaves . Nothing to fear Jon calls out . Everyone comes out of the castle to see what is causing the commotion . They step aside as their former King scans the courtyard looking for the red haired Lady of Winterfell. He doesn't see her but his eyes fall on Bran in his wheelchair and Meera at his side .

Jon : Bran ! Jon runs toward Bran , he kneels down and kisses the top of his head . How are you ? Gods I've missed you all . 

Bran :Jon , you've been missed as well . How are you ? You look well all things considered . A small smile appears on Bran's face . Let's get inside you must be tired.

Meera: I will instruct the staff to get a hot bath ready, you're room is ready as well since Bran had a feeling you would be coming soon . She pushes Bran in his wheelchair inside as Jon follows.

Jon: Bran , where's Sansa ?Jon asks eagerly .

Bran : Lets go inside we will discuss things at dinner.

Jon : I have something very important to tell you , I want to tell you together. But I guess it can wait until dinner.

Jon goes to his room and the hot water is being brought in for his bath.  It's good to be home thinks Jon . There were times he didn't think he would ever see Winterfell again. He sits down and exhales. This is the first time he feels at home and safe  in months , maybe years . Tonight will be a big night he thinks .

 What will Bran think ? He already told Arya since she was with him in Kings Landing . She was the first person he told after Sam had told him that he was a Targaryen , Rhaegar and Lyanna's son  . Arya being Arya just put her arms around him and said , So ?? it doesn't change anything . You're still my brother and you're still a Stark . Don't think you're going to escape me so easily ! ! Jon had tears in his eyes when he thinks of her . Still my baby sister , even though she could kick my  ass. Arya had insisted that she would be with him when he told Daenerys . She said it was for his protection . Arya had never completely trusted the Dragon Queen and wasn't sure what she'd do once she found out that she had legitimate competition for the Iron Throne .  Sam and Arya were both of the mind that she couldn't be fully trusted and that Jon should be careful of her , regardless of their romantic situation. The truth was there would never be a romantic situation with Daenerys again after Jon found out who his birth parents were . 

The truth hit him like a ton of bricks . Honorable Ned Stark had lied to him his whole life .He wasn't his father . He wasn't even a bastard . He was the legitimate son of Rhaegar and Lyanna as per Sam . They had also found the anullment records for Rhaegar and Princess Elia as well as the marriage records of Rhaegar and Lyanna. He was riddled with guilt. What kind of a monster leaves his wife and small children to run off with a teenager, and leaves them to die? What kind of a  woman  runs off with a married man and father of two children? Selfish , self centered people that's who. Those were his true parents . Ned Stark for all his faults did keep his promise to his sister and protected Jon. All of Catelyn's hatred was for nothing ,why couldn't Ned have just trusted his wife ? Jon's life may have been so much easier if Catelyn knew the truth , that Ned had never betrayed her . Jon had never faulted Catelyn for hating him , he was after all the walking reminder of Ned's infidelity .  All these ifs , all these things just kept going over and over in his head in  a loop . Jon took a few days to absorb this . He knew he had to tell Daenerys before she found out , he could use this to finally get what he wanted , what he truly wanted . He wanted to go home , he didn't belong in the South and he didn't belong with Daenerys . The truth had finally set him free . He laughed at himself the truth was he did want to come home and that home was Winterfell , the North and most importantly Sansa . 

Yes he wanted Sansa and now there was no reason he couldn't have her .

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