Dear little cousin above

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Dear little cousin  above

Your time was cut short

From being born in such a fragile state

It sad to say that before you could even speak your lungs needed to be pump by a machine

I'm sorry ....I wish I knew what to say

I'm sad that , someone we called God could just take a poor baby away

I'm mad at the fact that you were forced spend you last breath with someone that seems not to care

I wish I could've met you at least once

See your gorgeous eyes and wonderful smile

I hope wherever after life their is , your happy and feel loved

Because even if we didn't meet , I know that their's still a spot of love  I want you  to receive

I want you to know that your family loves you , I love you

Even your father that is locked away

Would've gave anything to see you grow

He truly can be a great man but sadly made bad choices in his life

He was a great uncle and would of been a wonderful father

To my little cousin above

I Wish you well  and please rest in peace

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