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I am a terrible person. I apologize for not updating. I am working on a different story and yeah, sorry. Anyway, enjoy!
Shelbys pov

Green eyes were looking directly into mine. I want so badly to look away, but I just can't.  My grip on the fork I was holding tightened, my heart beating faster. What the hell was he doing with Louis?

I finally broke the intense stare, looking back over at Destiny. I was still very eager to know what Destiny wanted to tell me. She knew it was going to hurt my feelings and that only made things worse. I looked down at my food, my stomach in knots. I was so worried, I felt like I was going to throw up.

Did it have to do something with Harry? I knew he was going to be leaving soon and that really upset me. I was going to miss him dearly.

"Shelby, stop worrying. You're going to end up going into early labor if you don't stop." I looked at Destiny. Don't worry? You're the one who told me there was something you needed to tell me.

"How the hell do you expect me to do that?" I shake my head in disbelief, setting my fork down. "I'm really not hungry."

The older woman looked at me, narrowing her eyes. "Shelby, I'm serious. Stop worrying. You need to eat, if not youre going to get sick. I don't want you doing something bad until this baby is born." Her gaze was intense, making me slightly uncomfortable.

"You're not my boss, Destiny. I can do what I want." I quickly stood up, nearly falling over. I forgot that I was pregnant, and in a month I was going to be pushing out a baby.  I grabbed my coat and purse, flinging the purse over my shoulder. "Have a good day."

I looked over at Harry, who was ready to jump out of his seat and catch me. He knew how bad my balance has been lately, but he didn't move once. Louis was also looking at me. He looked stressed and I was a tad bit worried.

I gave them a quick smile, before exiting the building, shivering at the harsh winter winds that blew against my uncovered arms.

Marys pov

I was frozen in place, my knees weak, my lips trembling. I had never seen anything like this-this was something different.

A shaky hand was placed over my mouth, the other on my stomach. I was going to be sick.

I spun around, collecting everything in sight. Did Liam do all this? There's no other way, no one else could of done it.

Everything between Liam and I was a lie. He lied to me.

Pictures and pictures of me, everywhere. I didn't know how to react. The worst part was the wall beside the desk, covered in pictures of me and Edward doing things that were only meant for our eyes.

When we had met, it was on purpose. Liam was not a stranger, but rather my stalker.

I sat down at the desk, sinking down into the computer chair, my body shaking. It was then I noticed the laptop sitting on the desk. I leaned forward and opened it, the screen instantly turning on and coming to life.

To my luck there was no password on it. Once I hit the enter key, logging onto the computer,  a folder popped up.

The folder was named Love in the Best Form. I frowned, confused, before clicking on it. Instantly videos and pictures came flying up on the screen and just when I thought things couldn't have gotten worse, it did.

The videos and pictures were of women. These women were doing sexual acts, most likely on Liam and one of them was indeed me.

As I continued to scroll down, the images starting to make me sick. I found another folder- The End. I clicked on it, my body shaking as I waited for it to pop up, now here's where the worst came to life.

It was like something you would see in a horror movie. Something a serial killer would do. Dead bodies and videos of these women's death were seen all down the screen, tears filling my eyes.

I pushed away from the desk and ran over to the trash can, emptying my stomach into it. I was in love with a murderer.

"I told you not to come in here."

Edwards pov

I quickly sat up, my heart beating fast. Sweat covered my body, my chest rising and falling. Fear took the best of me and before I knew it, I was jumping out of bed.

I could of sworn my dream was real. It was as if I could feel her pain. Her screams were like getting stabbed in the ears.

I ran down the stairs and towards the door, struggling to pull it open. I was shaking like crazy and my head was pounding.

If Liam even lays a finger on her, he will be dead. Once the door was pulled opened, I ran down the road. Mary.

She needed me, I could feel it.

But suddenly I had no choice but to stop. I had no clue where the two lived. They had moved a while back and now I was lost.

My legs trembled and gave out, my body dropping to the ground. I couldn't help her, she was going to die and it was going to be all my fault.

"Mary!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, my throat burning. Tears were continuously streaming down my face, my screaming making it hard for me to breathe.

I just wanted to save the one I love.

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