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AU story where they're just normal human beings.


"First day of highschool huh?" Standing in front of the school gates, she tilted her head upwards to look at the building. She gulped. Shaking, she was very nervous. "Okay take deep breaths Touka." She walked in, along with the other students who just arrived. 

"Hey it's Touka!" Touka recognized that sound. Could it be? She looked behind her, and saw Yoriko, her best friend running towards her. "Yoriko!" she excitedly greeted her, and walked up towards her. Touka was too excited that she accidentally tripped, and lost her balance. "Oh no" she thought. Falling down, possibly face first, at a crowded place, and ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. She panicked. Falling down is NOT the best first impression you get from someone. 

Thats it. She shut her eyes closed. One second. Two seconds. Three-

"Are you okay?" She opened her eyes. To her surprise, she wasn't laying on the cold hard floor. Instead she- Touka's eyes widened. There, a white haired male with grey eyes caught her as she was falling. Ah.. it was a senior. Second year. She quickly stood up and bowed towards him. "I'm very sorry!" As a reply she received a chuckle from him. Touka rose up to see the male giving her a smile. "It's fine. Be careful next time." He said as he left her. Touka's gaze followed him as he passed her. "What a nice person" she thought.

"Hey Touka are you alright?" Yoriko grabbed Touka by her shoulders. Touka jumped, was surprised by the sudden contact of Yoriko. She snapped away from her thoughts. "I'm okay Yoriko," Touka smiled to her friend "Come on let's go." Touka held Yoriko's arm and enters the building. 


The school board was really crowded. A lot of pushing, bumping, this and that. Students were trying to find what classes they're going to be in. "Wish me luck Touka!" Yoriko then joined the crowd. Touka didn't feel bothered to look for her class. Though she felt bad for Yoriko. It was brutal up in there. 

After minutes of Yoriko struggling, she came back to Touka. She had a frown on her face, showing that she has bad news. "So...?" Touka chuckled as she waited a response from Yoriko. Yoriko suddenly hugged her and (fake) sobbed. "We're not in the same class." She continued (fake) sobbing. Touka let out a sigh. Then, Yoriko releases herself from Touka's embrace. She held both of Touka's hands. "I was just joking!" she let a tongue out, and spun Touka around. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop it! I'm dizzy" Touka whined. Yoriko burst out laughter. Touka felt fooled by her and gave her a flick on the forehead. 


Touka sat down on her chair. The first lesson was about to begin. 

A few minutes passed and the teacher walked in the class. "Good morning class!" The teacher greeted. All students rose up and greeted him. The teacher then greeted us once again "Hello everyone! It's really nice to see you all. First of all, I'll be doing absents"


"Kirishima Touka" 


"Kosaka Yoriko"



After the absent was done, the teacher introduces himself, "My name is Tsukiyama Shuu. I'll be your English teacher from now on. You can call me Mr. Tsukiyama."

Touka took out her English textbook, a notebook, and her pencil case from her bag.


It was already lunch time. Time goes by fast. Touka and Yoriko decided to have lunch on the school's rooftop. There were some people there, but it wasn't too crowded. The rooftop of their school was large, and the school provided some benches as well, but most of the students just sit on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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