Meeting Him..

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**a couple days later**

Avery's P.O.V

Louis, Liam and I have been hanging out these couples of days. They have been showing me around parts of London. I met two of the other band mates Niall and Zayn. They got here yesterday. The only one left was Harry and he wouldn't be here till tomorrow morning since he has personal issues to deal with. All the boys so far besides Harry seemed fun to hang around with. Louis had a girlfriend named Eleanor she was very pretty, and easy to get along with. Zayn had Perrie they have actually been together the longest out of all the couples. Niall was currently single, I told him not to worry I was with him which made him happy to not be the only one.

The paps and the fans have been getting crazy stories lately. When I went to eat with Louis and Liam at that diner, the paps and fans were trying to figure out who I was dating. They even said Louis was cheating on Eleanor. Then Liam told them how I was just his cousin and nothing was going on with Louis and I. The fans were actually happy to know I was just Liam's cousin and Louis' friend, some of them just didn't even like me, I didn't pay much attention to that. Thankfully Eleanor was understanding of the situation.


"Liam where are you? I'm back !" A voice said. I had no idea who it was.

"I'm in the kitchen." Liam said

I was wearing my skinny jeans, my hair straight as always and a Beatles shirt.

I walked down stairs and saw a boy with curly hair, very tall and green almost blue eyes. He was very hot. Wait hot ? 'Really Avery?' I said to myself. 'I swear I have seen him before.'

"It's you!" Harry said "Wow I haven't seen you since we were what sixteen?" Harry said

"I know ! You still look the same though except you don't have a baby face no more." I said while laughing

"Wait how do you two know each other?" Liam said

"Mate I went to L.A around sixteen to get away from England. When Avery was coming out of a tattoo shop-" Harry was cut off by Liam

"A tattoo shop!?" Liam said looking mad. I wish Harry didnt mention the tattoo shop .

"I use to work there till I was about eighteen. When I was coming out Harry bumped into me, the side that I got the tattoo done" I said

"Wait you got a tattoo!?" Liam yelled. Ohhh crap.

"Yeah LiLi want to see." I said smiling innocently

"I swear Avery why wouldn't you tell me." Liam said

"Look it's actually beautiful." I said while lifting up my shirt to show him the right side of my rib cage. It was a feather but then at the end instead of finishing the feather it was like the feather turned into birds.

"It reminds me of Zack and mum .." I said while looking down.

"Avery." he said while hugging me

"It's beautiful." he said

"So that's how you two know each other?"Liam asked

"Well after that I threw a fit about how he bumped into the wrong side of me and then we went to get ice cream. His treat. Then for the rest of that week we hung out until he left back to England. I do remember you talking about X-Factor but who knew." I said while giggling.

"I know love." Harry said while smiling.

His smile made me get butterflies in my stomach like crazy. We just looked at each other until Liam interrupted us.

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