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~*As someone who has been on wattpad since  2018 I know that it can be hard to find a good fanfiction too read. In the years that I started this account I have finished more then 284 fanfictions.*~ 

~*Now im here in this book to show you the fics I thought we're AWESOME, BEAUTIFUL and NEED TO BE READ.*~

~*Now I would like to give a shout out to polaristarr because she (or he idk) has a list of recommends and I basically got the idea from her(him), I also found some books that are from her (his) list (some are just coincidend that its the same (for books I read before I found her(his) book)) and I will put a star --> * at the title when its a book I found from the her(him).*~

~*Ofc I dont mind getting recommendations myself, so if you think a serten fic HAS to be in my list, then just dm me and ill take a look, if I like it you might get the book u have recommend in this list and ill give you a shout out ;p.*~

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