On 2 August 1991

21 0 0

The Grangers are preparing to apparate to Diagon Alley but both Paul and Jean have to put a glamour Charm on so they could look muggle-ish

At Diagon Alley
The Grangers apparate and both Hermione and Ashlyn were in awe.

Paul: (Look at his girls) Come on girls, we need to get your stuff.

Both girls nodded and the family of 4 went to get all of the girls stuff.

At Flourish and Blotts
The family walk in to see the shop crowded with hogwarts Students and parents.

Paul: (Look at the girls whom have sad looks on them) Sorry girls, maybe we can visit here later.
Hermione: (Look at her father) But father, I...(Look at her sister then back at him) I mean we want to get our books!
Jean: (Look at her two daughters) I know you want them first but this place is too crowded right now!

The two girls nodded in sadness and the family began to walk out but was stop by none other than Lucius Malfoy.

Luicus: (Look at the adults) Who are you?
Paul: (Know who is but pretend to not know) I'm Paul Granger and this (Look at his wife) is my wife Jean Granger. We (Loom at Lucius) are here to buy hogwarts stuff for our two beautiful daughters.
Lucius: (Kmow a Paul Granger but don't know that it is jim because of glamous charm) who are your daughters?
Hermione: (Look up at him) I'm Hermione Jean Granger
Ashlyn: (Look up at the man shyly) I'm Ashlyn Belle Granger
Lucius: (Look at the two girls and smile) So, you girls are going to Hogwarts this year?
Hermione: (Nod) Yes we are sir.
Lucius: (smirk) Good! (Turn around and mutter) Muggles!

The family continue to shop while Lucius went to find his wife, son and two adopted daughters.

Ashlyn Belle Granger Where stories live. Discover now