On 12 May 1996

12 0 0

It have been a day since Draco ask Ashlyn to be his girlfriend and the two had a blast with each other making sweet love.

At the Gryffindor Table
Hermione went to sit next to Ginny and opposite Ron.

Ron: (Look at Hermione) Where have you been?
Hermione: (Look at him) Does it concern you?
Ron: (Angry) Of course, I'm your friend!

Both Harry and Ginny look at him and shouted in anger

Ron: I mean one of your friend (Look at his sister and Harry) Sorry guys
Hermione: (Angry) Well I can't tell you guys yet!
Harry: (Look at her) Why not? We all know you and your sisrer are pureblood
Hermione: (Look at harry) I know you do but is still dangerous!

Before Harry, Ginny or Ron could say a thing, Ashlyn came skipping towards them.

Ashlyn: (Smile) Hey y'all!

Harry and Ron loon up to see none other than the beautiful Ashlyn Granger with a good D cup breast size. Ginny and Hermitian around and smile at Ashlyn.

Hermione: (happy) Sista! (Stand up and hug her) How are you?
Ashlyn: (Smile at her sister) I'm good although difficult to control the new powers.
Hermione: (roll eyes) Oh come on! (whisper yo Ash) We only have wandless magic.
Ashlyn: (giggle and whisper back) Not to mention we also discovered that we are both metamorphmagus.
Hermione: (Nod her head) Right. (Notice a hickey on her neck) omg Ash, what happened to you?
Ashlyn: (curious) What you mean?
Hermione: (Narrow her eyes) I saw a hickey on your neck. Who made love to you?
Ashlyn: OK but don't be mad!

Hermione nod to promise her sista not to be mad as her sister reaveal her partner's name.

Ashlyn: (whisper to her sister) Draco Malfoy confessed to me last night saying he have a crush ob me since first year and he bully is because he and the rest of the students thought we were muggleborns.
Hermione: (Shocked) You serious?
Ashlyn: (Nod) Yup
Hermione: (sigh) Alright sis but I need to give him the speech
Ashlyn: (smile) of course

The two sisters hug one last time and Ashlyn walk back to the Slytherin table. Hermione saw that Ashlyn kiss Draco before sitting next to him with his arm wrap around her shoulder.

At the Slytherin Table
Draco: (Look at Ashlyn) So, what did your sister say?
Ashlyn: (Look at him and smile) She was calm about it but she want to meet you so she can give you the speech.
Draco: (Raise eyebrow) What speech?
Ashlyn: (giggle) Oh you know, the 'Don't hurt her or I will come and kill you' speech.

Draco nodded, kiss her cheek and the two started to eat.

A Few hours later
As today is a Sunday and there is no school, the student went out. So Ashlyn went to the library with Hermione to read more about their powers. Draco, Pansy, Blaise are in the slytherin common room while Harry and Ron are in Hogsmeade

In the slytherin common room
Pansy, Draco and Blaise are sitting at the same spot as usual.

Pansy: (look at Draco) So I see you finally ask Ashlyn to be your girlfriend?
Draco: (smile at her) Yes I finally did. Is like now I can't get enough of her.
Blaise: (Look at Draco confuse) What you mean?
Draco: (Look at Blaise) Is like she look so smoking hot in everything she wear.
Pansy: (giggle) Well she does have two pretty nice knockers.

Both boys look at her in curiousness

Pansy: (roll eyes) Oh come on, is a vulgar slang word for breasts!

Ashlyn Belle Granger Where stories live. Discover now