The Fallen Allies. 4

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As the weeks go past my anger gets stronger, I can't stop thinking about my father and everything we did together before he past away. I hate The Fallen Allies, I hate President White and I just don't really know what I will do to kill him. I meet up with Madison and tell her my plans, "thats crazy," she says "you will get yourself killed trying to do that!" I don't really know what to say back so I just shrug my shoulders, then she explains "I hate them to, I was thinking the exact same thing when I found out my sister was just hanging onto her life after the bombs, I want to go with you." I think for a bit "are you sure, I don't want to lose you" I say "yes, I'm sure" she says in a very determined voice. I start walking "let's walk Maddie," I say and immediately Madison follows. In the past weeks I also came up with a nicknames for Madison like Maddie and Mad. "So what's on your mind?" says Madison, "well I don't exactly now how we are going to become rebels and kill the president," I say "do you have any ideas?" Madison looks at me, shakes her head and says "we are rebels, don't you remember? We just haven't been called up for battle because of our conditions and because our town is destroyed so we have no communications with the rebels" I had no idea, I just say "I knew that!" we both laugh. "so, we just need to figure out how to get to the president before anybody else," Madison says, I know this whole thing is crazy, we might not even make it that far, but it's worth a shot. "ok, that's the plan, I'm going to go home and think about it a bit more." We wave each other good bye and I go straight home. When I get home I tell my mother about everything and she also thinks its crazy, so I just go up stairs, into my bedroom and I just lay on my bed thinking about my father. He was kind and sweet, he taught me heaps of things about hunting and survival. One day when I was only 14 my father took me into the woods outside our town, he showed me how to make snares and what plants you can eat and ones that are poisones. From then I would make snares and catch game, this provided my family with food for the day. As I think about my father I eventually fall asleep. In my sleep I have horrible nightmares, in one of them I am in the middle of Summerville before it got bombed, it's about mid day, everyone is normal and peaceful. Suddenly the sky goes black and all I see is fire and people dying all around me, I look up and see heaps of imperial jets blocking the sun, they are dropping bombs. I start running away from all the explosions, I get in a big warehouse, then when I think I'm safe the ceiling collapses and I'm now I'm a bunch of rubble I look up and see about 7 imperials standing there, I look closely and realize these aren't ordinary imperials they have lizard like faces with huge tails. I was still trapped under a big mettle plait that had fallen onto me. I shouted for help but nobody was bothered to free me. I couldn't feel anything, that's good. The lizards get closer and closer, I try to escape but before I know it they are on top of me, I squeeze my eyes shut and I wake up. I see my mother sitting next to me, I'm sweating, my mother says "what happened, I heard you shouting so I came up" I stay silent for about ten seconds and say "nightmares." my mother gets up and says "do you want anything before I go?" I think for a second "no thanks," I say. I go back to bed and before I know it, it's morning.

I get up and get dressed, I have a lot of things to do today so I go down stairs and straight out the door. I see Madison sitting on her balcony, I wave at her and "hey mad, let's join the rebels!" she jumps up in confusion and looks around, she spots me and starts walking towards me. I start running towards her and before you know it we are face to face. "Hey Kevin! Have you thought of any plans?" she says, I haven't really thought of any plans so I say "not really, let's just find a way to get with the rebels and we will figure it out from there," then Madison says "OK let's get going, where to first?" I look at the woods and say "let's go find that satellite and see if we can catch a signal with the rebels." Madison nods and we both start walking to the woods.

To be continued, stay tuned, I have been very busy so in about 1-2 weeks chapter 4 and possibly 5 will be done, thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2013 ⏰

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