The Fallen Allies. 1-3

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The Abandoned Waste Land

When I wake up, I find that I am laying On the ground. I am very cold,

and I can't remember anything that happened. As I look around I see that I am in a large room that looks like its made out of solid iron. There are a lot of broken chairs around, there is a big hologram in the middle of the room. This must be a command centre that people would use in a war or a battle to make plans for an attack or something like that, but what wars are going on now? It's the year of 2o34. There where wars in 2017-2021 but I don't recall anything happening now. I walk around the place until I find a door on the left wall of the room, I open it and walk outside. I find myself in a half collapsed building, you can see outside.

It's snowing and some snow has made it inside the building. I walk up to the edge of the room where the big gaping hole leading to outside is, it's terrible, there are collapsed buildings, scorched cars and military vehicles everywhere. There is not one living thing in sight. This place is like an abandoned waste land. I sit down and wait till the snow stops, and once it does I'm back on my feet and moving, I don't know where I'm going, I'm just walking straight through the waste land. There are a lot of obstacles, so I make precautions when walking. I have to take brakes every once in a while, this waste land never stops! As I keep walking I see a small hut made out of scrap and broken plane wings. There is a Very dim light coming from in the hut, it must be a fire or something. I decide to keep moving, when I hear a high pitched scream. I turn around and head back to the hut, I find an entrance and go inside. In the hut is a young woman in her mid twenties, she has a huge cut across her left thigh, blood is gushing out, I couldn't stand it. When it comes to situations like this I can never handle it,"Help," she screams "do you have a bandage Kevin ?" Kevin? Who is Kevin? I ask myself, but it does not matter right now. I search myself for a bandage when I find a long piece of cloth and some medical tape, this is perfect, I could use this to bandage the wounded woman's leg. So I wrap her leg with the cloth tightly and tape it so it doesn't come undone. "thank you Kevin," she says in a soft voice, again who is Kevin? I ask myself then she says "I probably wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for you." then I finally say "who is Kevin?" in a questioning voice.



"what do you mean 'who is kevin'?" she says, there is a short pause and I say calmly "who are you? And who is Kevin?" she stops to read my expression, I am making a curious face. "Well I am Madison and you are Kevin!" she is now shouting, "well Madison I don't remember anything that has happened here, I don't even remember my own name!" I hear my voice starting to rise as well when Madison says "must of suffered from amnesia or something like that." There's a minute of silence, then I whisper "could you tell me a bit about myself?"

"Well your name is Kevin Crastweaver, I am Madison Lawren your best friend, there is a war going on, we where here when huge amounts of bombs where dropped onto us," explains madison "do you remember anything?." I stop and think for a moment and say "I think so, my names Kevin Crastweaver, I am 23 years old I have 1 sister, I live in a small town of Summerville in north America." she looks at me and smiles. "yeah, exactly," says Madison "now let's get out of here and find a way home." I look at her for a second and say "agreed." When Madison stands up she lets an excruciating scream of pain, "my leg kills!" says Madison, then I say back "do you want to stay here until your leg gets better?" she just denies it and walks out of the hut. She almost falls over when she exits the hut, so I quickly grab her arms to support her, I support her while we walk because she can't walk on her own with an injury like that

Chapter 3


As we walk along the waste land looking for someone or something that could help us, I start remembering everything again like how me and my father used to set up snares for animals in the woods outside our town. Once we had caught an animal we would cook it and have it for dinner, we were poor, the whole town was poor, we hunted for food, if we had extra we would trade it for something more useful. As me and Madison are walking through the waste land I see 4 helicoptersand about ten soldiers "get down," I say in a quiet voice and immediately, she drops to the floor, if there is one thing I remember, it is the enemy. They call them selves 'The Fallen Allies', they have been trying to take over north America for ages now but there are a rebellion and I'm part of them trying to fight for freedom. I can see their symbol on the helicopters, we wait for a bit and watch them, "do you think they will ever leave?" asks Madison in an allarming voice, I just say "not sure." After about 10 minutes we decide to go around, but as we where about to sneak off we hear gun shots so we emediatly drop to the ground. While Madison sits on the floor guarding herself, I see that the impirials are dead. We call the fallen allies soldiers "imperials" because they basically own half of North America, before the war when there was peace the imperials owned America, they could take anything they wanted from you, they would even blow up a town if they needed to, it was horrible. As I see the imperials dead on the floor I also see a bunch of men and women running across the field to us, I wave them down and the next thing I know theres are about ten guns pointed at my head. They are rebels, I remember this as soon as I see their uniform and their symbols on their shoulders. "who are you?" a tall buff man snaps at me with a gun at my forehead, "I am Kevin and this is Madison," I say in a kind of scared tone, Madison is staring at me suggesting for help, I could read it in her eyes, Madison and me have been friends for as long as I can remember, I can't really remember much about her after I lost my memory but I am regaining it fast, Madison and I know everything about each other, well that was before all of this. The man looks at my leg and says "your part of the rebellion?", then I look at my leg for second and realize that there is a rebel symbol on my jeans, then the words "yeah, I am," come out of my mouth very clearly. "Well you two better come with us before more imperials come to search the wreckage." So we get up and follow the man, his squad follow as well. I speak up and say "what is your name?" to the man, he looks at me and says "Rex, why where you guys out there? Everyone was evacuated before the bombings." I look down and say "I can't actually remember, I woke up in some half collapsed building and found Madison when I was trying to get out of this place," I say quickly. "Well we're heading to our helicopter now," says Rex. "Oh and do you have any bandages or medicine for Madison ?" I say. "Yes, it's all at the chopper now let's get moving". After about thirty minutes of walking I spot the chopper, it's huge! It could probably hold about fifty people in it and a couple of vehicles, it has rebel symbols all over it. When we get on we all walk into a room of thirty chairs, fifteen on each side. Madison follows Rex into a room labelled 'Hospital' I want to go with her but Rex just says "she will be fine in there," I have a feeling she won't. I find an empty seat and sit down in between two people, the one to my left is a short middle aged woman and the one to my right is a tall young man. The woman looks at me and says "hey, what's your name?" I look back and say "Kevin, how about you?" "well my name is katie," the woman says, "how did you manage to survive the bombs?" I just grin and whisper "I have no idea," We both go silent for the rest of the trip. It wasn't long before we arrived in a city called Hoxton, this is where some rebels have decided to camp. Everyone gets off the chopper onto a landing pad, I look around for Madison and find her standing about ten meters away from me, I start running until I get there she turns around and lunges toward me I catch her "you don't want to kill your self, be careful." she laughs "I'm ok," I star at her for a minute and ask "want to go for a walk?" "ok," says Madison. So we start walking, "hey Madison could you please tell me a bit about how we met?" I say, then Madison begins "sure, well it was when I was twelve years old you where fourteen, I was walking along a road in Summerville when I accidentally stepped in one of your paintings that you where painting on the road then you said-" I cut her off and say "hey, that's a painting you know! I remember, everything is coming back now!" Madison continues, "anyway, after that I jumped off and said "I'm sorry," then you said hi, I said hi, we both started talking about things and that's how we met." We sit down and talk to each other for a while. Rex comes up to us and says "do you want a lift to wherever you live?" I look at Madison and she says "yes, we would like a ride to Summerville please," "Summerville huh? Well I suppose I can take you there, follow me. We walk along a path to a huge hangar, as we walk inside I see nothing but hovercraft, jets, helicopters and some very unusual aircraft that I can't even explain! "Over here!" shouts Rex from the other side of the hager. Madison takes lead and we both sprint there, I just notice that she has a lot of bandages on her left thigh, I wonder how she can still run, well she is tough and can stand almost anything. When we get to the Rex he directs us to a small hovercraft that is ready to take off, "let's get on," he says. So we are all in and the hovercraft begins to rise, it's going to smash into the ceiling, but as I begin to panic the roof opens and the hovercraft goes through. I am so relieved and before I know it we are out of Hoxton. I find Madison and sit next to her "so, how do you feel about all of this?" I say in a calming voice "terrible!" she says. "Well when we get home everything will be just how it was," I say. In an hour we finally arrive in Summerville, we land in a flat patch of grass since we don't have a landing strip. Me and Madison hop off. Rex sits on the entrance of the hovercraft and says "well this is it, bye!" I look at Rex and say "see you later, thanks for everything!" Madison just says "bye" in a sweet voice. As me and Madison start walking and we realize that half the houses have been burnt down. "what happened?" Madison says in a low voice, "our families!" I shout, we both jump, what could have happened to our families. "I will go to my house you go to yours and we will check up on them" Madison says. I run as fast as I can until I get there, my house seems to be in tact. I knock on the door and my little sister Sophie opens, when she see's me she starts crying, I go inside and hug her I don't know why she is crying , I'm just glad to see her again as I put her down I see my mother waiting in the corridor, she also looks sad. "What's wrong? Where's dad?" I say, then my mother says "we need to talk." We both go into the kitchen and my mother says "the was an attack here with lots and lots of bombers, they bombed everything with fire bombs most houses went up in flames, your father was working at the weapons factory at the time when it happened and he did not make it," there was a long pause and then my mother started to tear up. "No! No! This is not true, this can't be happening!" I shout and run to my room, I sit on my bed and think, my head is overflowing with information. I begin to tear up as well, but I have to be strong, so I wipe away the tears and think, the only people that could have commanded that attack would have been The Fallen Allies! I hate them I just want to kill them all but especially their leader John White, he is the one who caused all of this, he is the one who killed my father, now I wan't revenge! After a week I decide what I want to do, I will join the rebels once more and I will get my revenge no matter what!



Now out.


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