My Oc

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I'm trying something new everybody.

Name: Dream Catcher

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Cutiemark: A dream catcher shaped as a heart.(photo below)

Looks: She has a short tail an a short mohawk

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Looks: She has a short tail an a short mohawk. She has a marble style coat, the 2 main colors of it are black an gray. Her mane an tail are a bright red, she was born blind in her right an also born without her front left leg. Her right eye is faded an her left one is a bright blue.

Occupation: Makes dream catchers an small jewelry.

 Species: Earth pony

Other: She is smart an vary kind, she loves to read an make her dream catchers, also has a beautiful voice. 

Ok know with this out of the way, lets start the story. Hope you guys like it.


 Dream Catcher's POV.

I stood at the train station with my mom an dad waiting for the train too arrive. "Honey are ya sure you don't want too stay with us?" I sigh, I turn to my mom "Mom I'm not a foal anymore, you don't need to worry about me so much. I can take care of myself just like I have been." I said with reassuring smile, as we heard the train coming.

"Just please be careful." she said as she hugged me tight, dad joined in "Remember if you ever need help or a place too stay your welcome to come home." he said an kissed my forehead. I smiled at both of them as the train pulled up behind me. "All aboard!  Next stop Ponyville station!!" I conductor yelled an everyone started to board. I smile "I have too go now, I love you guys." I said as I picked up my bag "We love you too, we'll come see ya when your settled in ok." mom said.

I nod because I was carrying my bag in my mouth. I was the last one to board, I limped into the train cart. I take my seat an set my bag in front of me, I look out the window, my parents waved bye too me as the train pulled out. I just smile at them sense I couldn't wave back, they know if I could I would. I sigh as I stare out the window 'Now off too my new life an hopefully my new home.' I thought as the train made its way to Ponyville.

OK let me know what u all think of it so far.

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