Chapter 1

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Dream Catcher's POV.

It didn't take long before the train reached the small town. When the train came to a stop, I put my bag around my neck an limp off the train. I watched as more pony's got on an off the train. I had to wait for the crowd to go, so I didn't have too worry as much about running into anyone. After a couple of minutes I slowly make my way into the town. I looked around the town was filled with life, pony's moving all about. I also notice a lot of them staring at me as I walk by, I just shrug an kept on moving. 

Now I was in what I think is the middle of the town 'Ok now let's see if anyone will help me.' I thought as I looked around but when I would try to talk too anyone they would avoid me. After a bit I got tired an sat down in front the fountain. I slip off my bag an sigh as I shut my eyes for a moment. "Uh hello?" I opened my eyes an look down to see 3 filly's. "Are ya new too Ponyville?"  One of them asked with a small smile. I nod "Yes" I said tired from walking around "Well welcome too Ponyville. My name's Apple Bloom and these are my friends Sweetie Belle an Scootaloo." she said with a big smile an turned back too me "What's your name?"

I smile down at them "Dream Catcher, it's nice too meet you all." I said "We noticed that you were having some trouble." Sweetie Belle said walking up beside Apple Bloom, I nod an sigh "Yeah, I'm trying too find a place to live." I explain as I stood an tried too pick up my bag. "Here let us help u." Sweetie Belle said as she used her horn too carry my bag. "You don't have too do that." I said as I followed her "It's no problem." she said I sigh "Just please be careful there are a couple of breakables in there." I said.

"Anyways we know where a house is for sale, it's across from Sugarcube Corner." Scootaloo said as she walked beside me. I smile "Thank you, it's been a long day for me." I sad as I limped along side them. After a moment of silence, I heard Apple Bloom  speak "If you don't mind me asking, what happened too your leg an eye?" she asked looking at where my leg should be. "Nothing happened, I was just born blind in my right eye an was born with only 3 legs." I explain too her.

"We're here." Scootaloo said as we stopped in front of a building with a for sale sign in the window.  They walked over too the door an open it for me "Here ya go." I smile an walk inside. "Hello there, are ya here too look at the house?" I turn to see a stallion that was walking down the stairs, I nod "Ya I am." I said with a kind smile. After talking to him for a while he said that the place was mine an left after I gave him the first payment. I turn back too Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, an Apple Bloom "I thank you for all your help, here's something for your help." I said as I opened my bag an laid out 3 dream catchers.

" I said as I opened my bag an laid out 3 dream catchers

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"Wow did you make these yourself?" Apple Bloom asked as they each grabbed one, I smile an nod "It's my special talent

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"Wow did you make these yourself?" Apple Bloom asked as they each grabbed one, I smile an nod "It's my special talent." I said as I showed them my cutiemark.(photo below)

I look outside too see it was starting to get dark

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I look outside too see it was starting to get dark. "You 3 better head on home, it's getting dark." I said as they started to leave "Wait can we come back tomorrow an hang out?" Sweetie Belle asked, I smile an nodded "Of course your all are welcome too come back, I would love the company." They smiled  excitedly an ran on home. I just smile as I went up stairs an went too sleep.

I hope you guys like it so far, leave a comment if ya want more. 

And stay safe an clean.  

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