Tourist Trapped Part 1

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"Ahh, Summer break..."

"Do you want cheese on that Hon?"

"Sure Hank."

"A time for leisure, recreation and take it in easily... unless you're me"

A golf cart with two children and two teens hit a sign that says Welcome to Gravity Falls. On the driver's seat, there's a teen with brown hair and eyes wearing a black beanie, a light brown t-shirt with a black Asian bear on it over a black long-sleeved shirt with a pair of white three-quarter jeans. "That's my older brother Alex".

Next to him sat a preteen boy with the same hair and eye color wearing a brown cap with a star on it, a dark blue vest over a red shirt and grey shorts. "That's me, my name is Dipper".

Next to him was a girl that was about to puke wearing a purple sweater with a pink cat on it and a turquoise headband with a pink skirt and star earrings. "The girl that's about to puke is my twin sister, Mabel"

In the back, there was a girl wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans with painted sunflowers on it and earrings that were shaped like suns shouting "It's getting closer, move you faster you idiots!" "That girl is my older sister Alyssa, Alex's twin"

"It's the fastest speed this victorian ship can move!"

Soon a giant creature came from behind the tree line chasing after them.

"You might be wondering what we're doing in a golf cart fleeing from a creature of unimaginable terror"

The creature grabbed a large tree and threw it at them "Rest assured there's a perfectly logically reasonable explanation."

"Let's rewind..."


"It all began when our parents decided we could use some fresh air..."

Dipper was playing a video game and Mabel was hugging a large grey cat while Alyssa drew some doodles of some sunflowers and Alex was reading a book called A Feast for Crows by GRR Martin. Their parents took away the video game, cat, sketchbook, and book giving them some travel bags and putting sun cream on their noses.

"They shipped us north to a sleepy town called Gravity Falls Oregon to stay at our great-uncle's place in the woods"

In the makeshift bedroom, there were four beds two near the door and two near the window.

Mabel was putting posters of her favorite boy bands, Alyssa was on her bead sketching something and Alex was putting all his things under his bed.

"This attic is amazing check out all my splinters"

While this was happening Dipper went to his bed only to find that there was a goat on it "And there's a goat on my bed".Mabel went to the goat "Hey friend..." and it started chewing on her sweater "Yes, you can keep chewing on my sweater"

"My twin sister tended to look on the brighter side of things", Mabel was on a hill and she started to roll down it "Yay, grass"."And my other sister can enjoy anything if she is drawing" Alyssa was at the top of the hill drawing the line of pine trees in the distance. "And my brother most of the times is in his world of daydreaming most of the time but when he's not he can be a bit like Mabel" Alex was at the bottom of the hill staring in the distance daydreaming about what he only knows and when he snapped out of it he started shouting "Does anybody know where I left A Feat for Crows?", "Have you even brought it outside?" asked Alyssa, "Ohh, you're right, I'll go and get it". Dipper sits near a tree writing in his journal while a woodpecker was bothering him "But me, I was having a bad time getting used to our new surroundings" out from behind him a man with the mask of a green monster came and scarred Dipper "And then there was our great uncle Stan... that guy" the man started coffing and then said, "It was worth it".

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