~In The Teaching Pod~
Poppy Was Telling Some Trollings About Hair Gem Growth Origins.
"As The Troll's Joy Grows, So Does The Seed! Until The Flower Blooms Revealing Their Own Troll Gem Inside!"
Poppy Told Them.The Trollings Listen, Amazed.
Branch Peeked Inside And Watched Poppy Tell The Trollings The Story.
"Then After, A Troll Leader Will Present The Gem To Honor Them In Embracing Their Joy!"
Poppy Finished."Whoaaaaa..."
The Trollings Say Fascinated.Branch Smiled At That.
"And I Tell You All This Because Tiny Diamond's Gem Grew Just This Morning!"
Poppy Said.A Rock Trolling Raised His Hand.
"But Isn't Tiny Diamond Still A Baby?""How Did His Gem Grow So Fast?"
A Funk Trolling Asked."Well As You Know, Tiny Is A Unique Kind Of Baby......Like The Boss Baby"
Poppy Replied."Wowww, No Wonder His Voice Is So Deep!"
A Techno Trolling Said.Poppy Saw Branch.
"Speaking Of Recent Gems, Branch Here Grew His Just Last August!""Really?!"
The Trollings Turn To Branch.
Trolls: Tropical Getaway
AdventureBranch Notices How Much The Troll Leaders Are Stressed Out From Working Around Trollstopia And Creates A Forest Cruise Vacation For All The Trolls. But When A Unexpected Mishap Occurs, The Trolls Find Themselves On A Deserted Tropical Island. While...