Chapter 12

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The Trolls Were Shivering Asleep On The Sand

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The Trolls Were Shivering Asleep On The Sand.

"A W-Whole Night.....W-W-W-Without A Fire....F-F-For Warmth"
Barb Shivered.

"My Whole B-B-Booty Is Like....Frozen Peaches..."
Carol Shivered.

"And I Wonder Who Blew Out The Fire -.-"
Guy Glared Up At Riff.

Riff Giggled Innocently.
"Hah Heh Hah Heh...."

Poppy Sat Up Groaning.
"Ughhh....I Could Really Use Some Breakfast"

"Breakfast Sounds Good Right Now"
Trollex Rubbed His Stomach.

"And Sum Good Ol' Oatmeal! Mmmm....Ain't That Right Daddy!?"
Tiny Said.

"Eh, I Can Go For Some Glitter-O's Cereal"
Guy Said.

"Mannn That Shiz Dry Asffff Bro, You Trippin Fr"
Tiny Replied.

Hickory Looked Around The Circle.
"Hey, Where's Branch?"

The Trolls Noticed He Was Gone.

Poppy Panicked.

"Did A Jungle Monster Eat Him?!"
Biggie Said.

"I'm Telling Y'all, It Was The Foosa"
Barb Said.

"THE FOOSA!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!"
The Group Screamed.

"There Is NO Foosa! Only Exists In Madagascar"
Hickory Told Them.

"Mmmm, Pretty Sure That's What We Were Referencing To"
Barb Said.

"I-I Hope He's Okay..."
Poppy Rubbed Her Hands Worried.

Hickory Pats Poppy's Shoulder.
"I'm Sure He's Finnneee, He's A Survivalist After All"

Branch Came Out From The Jungle.
"Mornin' Gang!"

Hickory Gestures.

Poppy Tackled Branch And Gave Him Kisses All Over His Face.

"Well Isn't That P u k e"
Barb Gagged.

"Ugh- Seriously? Right In Front Of Us?"
Carol Looked Away.

Poppy Backed Up.
"ARE YOU OKAY?! I GOT SO WORR- whats that?"

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