The Truth

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"Ban! Y/N!" Diane yelled. "The Fox Sin of Greed, Ban! Kindly take your hand off my rapier!" The woman asked, 'guess that's another Holy Knight.' "That's no way to ask for something lady.  Besides my hands not touching anything," Ban said teasingly, as he started to move his hand the rapier began to move a bit. "I see. So this is your power. Few in the kingdom know the details of that power, but....." "Snatch" "....I'll give you something more suitable for a sneaky thief like you" The Knight then shot magic at him. "Huh?"

"Ban stop messing around" I said coldly looking at him of the ground. "Man and here I thought you would run into my arms crying, oh well soon you will remember all the fun time we had before, even you sister told you what happened" he said still laying on the ground. "I heard you were immortal. But in that state, you can't possibly fight, and as for you, it doesn't matter who you are, but if you're with them, you must also be destroyed" The Knight was about to attack me, I just stood there looking uninterested. Meli then came a to kick her, but she redirected her attack towards him. "Captain!" Diane yelled jumping in the way. The knight was then blabbing about saying how if Meli can't read where or when the attacks are coming, full counter, has not affect.

I look over an just see ban standing up, "you survive that, Cap'n?" "impressive your immortality lives up to the legends." "Hey, this knight is really starting to get annoying, can we shut her up" I said flying closer to the others. "Why is it that I have no recollection of you, did you just join the sins?" the Knight asked, "If you have to know, the names Y/N the Ghost, 8th deadly Sin the Wolf Sin of Despair. I'm not surprised you haven't heard of me, I don't really enjoy being the center of attention." I said not really caring. "Y/N why did you just tell them that, you were suppose to be a secret." Meli looked at me "I didn't feel like continually explaining who I was, so if she somehow manages to live, she can go tell the others, well that is if she lives." I just looked at her.

"Oh I know who you are now, Y/N the secret sin. not much is known about you, but what is, is that you are even stronger then your captain, am I right?" "Yep, so?" "So that means if I were to kill you the others will know the strength I have, so do me the honors and die for me." She smiled at me, going to attack me, I just looked at her planning on how to kick her ass, but before I could Diane gabbed Meli and I protecting us, I just look over an noticed Ban all beat up. "Even if it wasn't the full extent of my power, I was wondering how it was they were sent flying after a direct hit from my explosion. This fortitude of the giants' clan is remarkable indeed." said the Knight, " guys ok?" Diane asked weakly "we're fine thanks for that." I smiled at her. "Hey! if you were going to use your body to protect them you should have protected me too!" Ban sounded a bit upset.

Diane then went on how she was about to die and all she wished for was a kiss form Meli, The Knight then just looked disappointed, saying how we have fallen to such a weak state. "whatever I don't really care but if she were attack me again, I'll just send her to next week" I smirked to myself thinking of different ways of killing her. I guess the others noticed this since they started to step back a bit, they know how strong I am, but I calmed myself down. "ok I guess it's time for me to get my own hits into this fight, I'm too bored just watching this. Listen here girly you said you wanted to fight me, I'll let you land one free hit, and after I get one free hit. Sound fair?" I just looked at her smirking knowing she would take the bait. "oh also don't interfere of I will hurt all of you" I looked back at the others. They just stood back and knowing understanding the rule. "ok that sounds fair, I just hope you don't regret this later after I kill you." "Oh don't you worry I won't."

She then stabbed me in the chest and made a big explosion. I just stood there taking it. I look down a notice a big hole, "Hmm, was that all." I look her in the eyes, as my body began to regenerate. "Oh I suppose I forgot to tell you, I can't be killed either, I'm also immortal." "Impossible! There is only one drink that makes anyone immortal, and Ban was the one to drink it, how was there another one." She looked a bit taken back. "fine I guess before a kill you I'll tell you. The demons also had a drink to make anyone immortal, does the name Fountain of Death ring a bell." "I thought that was only a legend. Wait does that mean you're a demon?" "Well you're half right, I'm a fairy with demonic powers. Enough with the chitchat, be a good girl and take the hit." about to kill her King came out of nowhere. "Get your hands off of Y/N!" Smacking her with his spear.

"Hey King, why are you here I had this under control" I had a tiny eye twitch. "But I've come here to save you." "No need, but you ruined my fun I'm sitting this out now, have fun King" I began to walk away, Ban walking towards me, and out the corner of my eye I saw the knight start to stand up, going up to Ban, ready to attack, King then sent his spear threw him, hitting the knight and sending her flying once again. "really?" I look back at King, but then got back to Diane helping her. The knight then goes on how the other expected King to turn against them. King saying his goals have changed. Saying he's there to protect everyone except Ban. The knight then said that the spear that King had was the "spirt spear Chastiefoi" how it was a sacred treasure crafted from the holy tree, having magic qualities and it bringing disaster.

'Hmm, if that true then at would explain why it felt familiar. It's the same as my spirt scythe Gensono, I haven't seen it in a while, I wonder where I last left it' remembering my scythe, I then noticed how King wanted us to stay back while he fought the girl, "3 of the sins could barely keep up with me, and I didn't even get to fight the other. What makes you think you can keep up with me?" The knight asked a bit confused. "It doesn't mater. Let's just get this over with." "Hmph. Very well." getting in a stance "Now then. Ready when you are." King then threw his spear at her, fast enough that she couldn't react. "You're doing it wrong. You have to dodge it." he looked so unimpressed. He went faster attacking her, she looked like she was having a tuff time keeping up with him. I then felt Elaine watching us, "thank you Elaine, for everything, just know, I still won't rest till you're back," whispering this, knowing she heard it. After seeing the fight play out I have a weird feeling, like I've seen this before, this amount of magic but where.

'Y/N he's our brother, maybe the name Fairy King Harlequin, would ring a bell.' Elaine's voice was in my head 'wait Harlequin?!' My head then started to hurt again, knowing that name. 'It can't be, he left' seeing memories of Harlequin, Elaine, and I as kids, laughing and playing. Our brother being chosen as King of the Fairy Realm, and Elaine and I as the gardenias of the Fountain of Youth. How Harlequin left to find the other missing fairies, not coming back, then Ban, how we met, fell and love, and then how the demons came and destroyed it all, Ban risking his life for my sister and I. Then it was all a blur. "Agggghhh!!!!!" I scream, everyone noticed and finally I blacked out. I assume Ban caught me because I never hit the ground.


Well I was going to do the Ban meeting Y/N but thought to wait and do it for the next one, it seemed to flow better. Still I hope you enjoyed it and hope to see you guys in the next chapter.

~•~•~•~•~Peace Out~•~•~•~•~

(Wolf Sin Of Despair) Ban X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now