Chapter-8. Dost?

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P-2- I think I know who it is. I'm keeping an eye out.

P-1- What do you mean you think?

P-2- The most likely. I only saw one glance.

P-1- You called to tell me your hunch? Please go ahead and discuss all the nitty gritty with me. That's what I am here for, right? Listen, I paid you to do one thing. Kill the guy. You screwed up so you've got to fix it! How? I don't know and I don't care as long as there aren't any more unnecessary dead bodies. Kill them and call me after the work is done!"


She really shouldn't care. He was an arrogant, selfish, self-centered, egoistic, chauvinistic mad man! And she shouldn't let anything a person like that says get to her. Defective piece! She wanted to stomp her foot in anger. Tears started to cloud her vision and she blinked angrily. He'd called her a defective piece. And why? Because she didn't know cooking? It was the height of sexism. Just because she was a woman she had to know cooking and if she didn't, she was a defective piece?

She angrily brushed away the tears that had started to escape from her eyes. But why was she so angry and mad? Why should it matter to her what he thought of her? She knew, deep within her heart she knew the reason for her rage, it was that term he'd used, defective piece. That term that had unlocked so much within her that she'd so painstakingly locked away. She closed her eyes as tears escaped and plopped onto the yellowed pages of the book she'd been trying to read for the past hour in the library. Get a grip on yourself Shehnaaz! He knows nothing about you! He doesn't know you. He makes all kinds of smart ass comments.

How would he know you'd take offence to this? Her sensible side tried to reason with her. But it was still not okay. Why was she even thinking about him? She'd decided last night that she would have nothing to do with him. No interactions, no talking, nothing. And yet she'd spent a whole hour thinking about how much she hated him and how angry she was with him. She closed the book in hand and went over to the bookshelves to see if they had any books on "How to live with the most irritating arrogant guy on the planet without killing him". She found none and someday, she decided, when she got out of here, she was going to write that book. She picked up a book on Anger management instead and sat down to read it.


How on earth did people survive here? Sid wondered as he stared at the TV screen. The only two channels the TV had were Doordarshan and Doordarshan metro. Currently, one of them had devotional songs playing because some former minister died and the other one had a show where an overly made up mother-in-law was making her no make-up daughter-in-law scrub the floor. He switched the TV off and paced the living room when his eyes went to the clock. It was almost lunch time and Sana wasn't back yet. Surely she didn't intend to spend the whole day avoiding him? Wait, what if she was in some kind of trouble? There was only one constable with her. What if? No, he didn't want to complete the thought. He quickly pulled on a sweater and ran out the door.

He stopped running only when he reached the library. He peaked in through the large stained glass windows of the library and let out a huge sigh of relief when he spotted her in a corner, engrossed in her book. He backed away from the window and squatted to catch his breath. Once he'd stopped panting, out of curiosity, he moved closer to the window again and tried to read the title of the book she was reading. When he figured it out, he burst out laughing. Anger management! The Sherawali Mata was reading a book on Anger Management! The way her forehead creased, her eyebrows knitted closer and her mouth formed a thin lined pout told him that she was actually, seriously reading the book! He couldn't help but admit that she made an adorable picture! And that thought brought a genuine smile to his face. A man passing by looked at him weirdly and he realized he probably looked like a fool laughing and smiling to himself. He reached for the door of the library but then an idea struck him and he changed his mind.

Saath Chodunga Na Tere Piche Aaunga- SidNaaz FF.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें