"With underdeveloped characters and repetitive events, this story was disconcerting and difficult to finish."
Written by: itsmebitches
-----------My Review----------
Rating (out of five stars):
I am a sensitive person, and I wanted to get a heartfelt story to read to make me feel emotion. Alas, this story was not what I was looking for.
The author chose to rush the story. And by rushed, I mean two complete strangers saying "I love you," to one another. It was a complete turn-off, and was a bit too Disney-like for my taste.
Sophie--the protagnist--was very unlikeable. I didn't care about her. She made bad choices throughout the story and didn't think twice about them.
Multiple things didn't add up. Telling them would be a spolier, but just be prepared to ask yourself what had happened throughout the story.
Repetition occurs constantly. The same events happen over and over again, only each time, different characters are involved.
I can't picture the characters because I don't know what they look like. Therefore, they are underdeveloped.
Overall, this is a terrible read. I am struggling to find anything positive to say about it. I don't recommend it to anybody.
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