part eight

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Sero could barely bring himself to get out of bed the next day but he did regardless. It felt like he was breathing with a towel over his nose and mouth.

Still, he went to school. He met his friends, he hung out with them. He did it for himself as much as he convinced himself he did it for them.

Sure, Kaminari made it obvious he didn't want Sero to go but they'd move on.

Sero will make sure to be a good guardian angel, for his family, for his friends and for his enemies? He'll be one hell of a ghost.

"Mineta! You will never get a girlfriend!" Great, now he's going to think about haunting Mineta for the next hour. 


He'd been zoned out for a while apparently, he didn't even notice Kaminari calling for him to wait behind him, a bit down the hall. He didn't notice the footsteps either.

"Sero!" He called, running and jumping on to his much taller friend's back in some weird tackle hug.

"Jeez Kami, chill." Sero laughed, grabbing Kaminari's legs and giving him a piggy back ride to the cafeteria. 

Everyone treated Sero a little differently since they found out. Even more in the past few days, it's almost as if they know he's gonna die soon. Sero doesn't mind the special treatment. He's spending his last moments with all his friends.

"Hey Sero!" Uraraka waved as Sero entered the cafeteria. "Hey!" He waved back, nearly dropping Kaminari, to this he let out a surprised yelp and clinged on to Sero even more. Sero chuckled as he grabbed the leg he let go of again and continued to carry him to the queue. "Now get off me you phone charger." Sero demanded, now that they were in queue. Kaminari unwrapped his arms and legs and stood on the ground.

They joined their friends at the table now with their food and enjoyed their lunch with various topics of chat.

The rest of the day went smoothly, apart from the coughing, of course.


One of the girls organised a 'party night'. Sounds, fun?

Sero has a new game for squad night, Jenga, here's how that went;

Mina, Kirishima, Jirou, Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kaminari and Sero crowded around the table while the rest of the class watched and made 'earthquakes' every so often. It was Kirishima's turn and the tower was already pretty unsteady. The rule was, once you touched a block you had to stick with it and couldn't let it go. Bakugou went just before Kirishima and still held a block in his hand.

"Hey Eijirou.." Bakugou called, almost as soon as Kirishima started to pull out a block. "Hmm?" He answered, looking at the blonde on the other side of the tower but following the rule of no letting go of the block. "If you lose there'll be no.." He began to rub his hand up and down the block in a suggestive way. "..tonight."

Kirishima laughed, causing his hand to shake slightly and knock the tower over. "HAH! FUCK YOU BABE!" Bakugou yelled triumphantly. Kaminari heard him whisper a sorry to Kirishima which he almost instantly told Sero about. "That should be an illegal move." Kirishima laughed out, picking up some of the knocked blocks from the floor. "Well it's no one's fault you two fuck." Jirou teased, jabbing Kirishima with her elbow.

Then came a series of fake moaning and other sex related noises.


They were playing a game of uno which resulted in Kaminari nearly crying because of a deck of nineteen and then a group hug started by Sero. There was an odd amount of hugs that night, and photos. A bunch of photos he'd forgotten about appeared again on Mina's Instagram, some of them dated back to their first year.

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