She's back?

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Samuel POV

I had watched the black cars come back and forth from that old brick house for two weeks. Something was going on. It didn't seem good either. I knew they couldn't sell it, for I'm sure they had some sort of room full of dangerous necessities or some shit like that. I wondered if a new kid was moving in, though it had been three years since she moved out, it seemed kind of strange to have a new kid move in now. It wasn't the week she would normally move in either when she lived here three years ago. A lot can change in three years. A lot has changed in these three years. I was never that cute little boy who played in sandboxes with yellow toy trucks, but I still have changed a lot. Hell, my sweats are covered in blood, and no one even bats an eye anymore.

A new blood-red car pulled up to the house, first one today, but this one seemed different, including the color, as if it was carrying important cargo or something. The car stopped in the rocky paved driveway, but no one came out. Every time a car comes they always get out immediately, took clothes, weapons, furniture, even food into the house, then left, and it was always someone new, sometimes more than one person. Seventeen cars, with nineteen different people, have come and gone in the last two weeks, and I'm positive this one, this car, is unlike them all. Whoever is in that car, they have been in there for four minutes, and it didn't seem like they would be coming out anytime soon either.

Six minutes and thirty-nine seconds later I watched a long black high heel appear from the back, right door of the car. She stepped out, she was wearing a red high cropped top, that could have been mistaken for a bra, and black leggings, with what looked like six-inch black heels. Who fucking wears six-inch heels? I could tell, because I have been trained to, though I'm sure most people, who just pass by, wouldn't even notice, that she had four knives on her, three guns, and I'm sure those heels, her earrings, rings, and chokers were weapons of some sort as well. Then I looked at her, not the way I had been taught, I wasn't looking for weapons or listening devices, or anything of that sort, I was looking at her. Her hair was a fake bright blond, almost to her ass, with beautiful hazel eyes, she wasn't wearing even a dash of makeup, and she was gorgeous, it looked like she knew she was too. She was seventeen, maybe eighteen, I think.

I noticed, a little too late, that she was watching me, and now started walking towards me. The closer she got to me the more I recognized her, she looked at me as if she had known me her whole life. When she finally stopped in front of me, I knew who she was, and realized she had known me her whole life. She was the girl that had lived here since I was eight, the girl that had moved away when I was fifteen, the girl that had a new family, look, and name every time she came back in the fall, The girl that owned that window. 

"Hello, Sammy, I'm America," She told me as she eyed me up. Sticking her hand out like I was going to shake it. I didn't, and her hand fell to her side shortly after. Instead of replying to her lie, I simply walked away. I knew this girl, and her name was surly not America. No, her name was A'Maya, and I was going to find out why she was back.

I concluded, shortly after encountering her, that I was going to try that window, I know its a dumb idea, but I hadn't noticed anyone doing anything to it when all the cars and people came, and she hasn't touched, or even gone near it since she arrived, so it was worth a shot. I need to know why she's back. I have a feeling it's about to turn my world upside down, and I don't know if it will be for the better.

When I got there, at 9:34 pm, it was already pitch black, so I climbed the scrawny tree, it was just muscle memory now, and walked up the little lip of the roof to the window when I tested to see if it was open, it was locked, which I suspected it would be, so I unlocked it with an unbent paperclip. Then I slipped inside and sat on the window ledge, with my feet and legs on the inside of her room.

She had changed into pajamas, which was very silky dark blue short shorts, I could practically see her ass, and a low cut black tank top. There were knives, guns, and every other weapon you could ever imagine scattered all over the room, but other than that it hadn't changed since she moved out. She was putting clothes from a gray laundry basket away, and I noticed that as soon as I got to the window, she turned a little to the left, and put her hair in front of her right eye, as if to make it so she couldn't, or maybe wouldn't, see me enter.

"You shouldn't be here" I paused for a moment, waiting for her pretty eyes to look up at me, and when they did, I finished with, "A'Maya" 

Then I saw her hand twitch and watched a knife fly through the air as if she had summoned it to her, and in one swift motion, she grabbed the knife out of the air and threw it centimeters from my right shoulder. She smirked, "I could say the same for you" she paused, just as I did, and for just as long, "Zachariah" 

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