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Katsuki POV

I woke up at 5:00 am as always to get ready for the day. For as long as I remember people around me have always told I was gonna be a great hero. So I have worked so hard to get where I am today is my first day a U.A high school the greatest school for hero's in Japan.
I quickly put on my uniform and looked in the mirror in the top right hand corner was a picture of my mother she had passed last June. But I don't let that bring me down she's watching and she would be proud to know that her sons going to be the top hero or would she. I grabbed my bag and walked down stairs my father was in the kitchen, he's always cooking i think is a distraction so he doesn't have to think about my mother's passing. "Hey Katsuki sit down have some eggs" he said with a bright smile. I sat down and he handed me a plate "thanks" I said. "Why do you look so down son you should be excited it your first day at U.A".
"Shut up" I said angry I finished my food quickly and left to walk to the school. when I got close to the school I avoided eye contact with everyone, I only looked at the floor. I soon got to my class there was a sign just above the door that said 1A. I walked in and sat in the far back corner I was the first one there I set my feet on the desk and stared out the window.

No ones POV

The class room started to fill with people, a dark blue haired man name Ida started to lecture Bakuguo. "excuse my sir you shouldn't disrespect the schools property by putting your feet on it". Bakuguo rolled his eyes annoyed "mid your own dam business". Bakuguo snapped at him ida left to his own seat as a yellow slug made its way int the room. The yellow part of the creature fell away and a man began to speak "hello, class I'm your teacher Aizawa" the man spoke in a very monotone voice he looked tired.

Katsukis POV
I stared off into space as the teacher spoke, but I couldn't help but notice the green haired boy in front of me he was mumbling to himself.
I couldn't here what he was saying, he just mumbled and wrote stuff down how annoying.
I looked out the windows again it was a beautiful day outside. There was a court yard just outside the window with beautiful flowers and under a tree was a small white bench I focused on the outside, trying to ignore the muttering. The school day went no and a group of people started to flow me they called themselves 'the Baku squad' they annoy me. So at lunch I did my best to escape them I ended up on the roof. I was finally alone I could relax I sat down on a bench a looked up at the clouds that slowly flowed past. I ate my lunch and relaxed. But soon my peace was disrupted when a boy with half white and half red hair came up to the roof . "o hi I wasn't expecting to see anyone up here" he rubbed the back of his neck shyly his voice was monotone but cheery I just rolled my eyes. "so what are you up here for." "to get away from those pesky extras." "that's a rude why to address your fellow classmates." "no I don't cont them as even that there just bumps in the road that I have to step over to get to the top."  "Is that how you think of everyone." "Yup" "well that's a sad life" "fuck you" I snapped at him. "no really what's life good for if your on your own."
"It's proof that I'm better than everyone because I don't need any crappy extras." "I don't even know your name and can say your a real dick no wonder you alone" "ha you say that but your alone to what's your reason" "I enjoy watching the clouds and that's what I came up here to do also it the first day it takes time to meet new people ." "Your the fucking dick half and half." I got up and went to my next class flipping him the bird as I walked downstairs. 'what an ass hole that guy was doesn't he know how to mind his own dam business.' The day passed by quickly and in my last class they said we would be able to move into the dorms tomorrow there was a sheet at the front of the room that you could write down who you would prefer to be Neighbors with shitty hair came up to me "hey bro wanna be neighbors" he said cheerfully "no" is all I said "ok bro I'll just up your name down anyway" I rolled my eyes at him and left I angrily walked home but about half way there half and half showed up beside me "hey bakuguo" he said in that weird voice of his "why are you flowing me" I said angry "I'm not flowing you grouchy I just happen to live in the same direction" I rolled my eyes "so bakuguo wanna be my friend" "no" "why not ?" "I'm not here to make shitty friends I'm here to learn" "well your gunna get lonely fast" "I don't need people" "well that's sad" "you don't have the right to tell me my life is sad you don't even know me" "I know that your grouchy for no reason and you hate people" "I'm not mad for no reason" "then why are you mad" "quit being nosy you stalker it's none of your business" "well what if I make it my business" I looked at him confused 'what is wrong with this guy why won't he just go away'.
"I here by call myself you friend so that means it's my business now. Bakuguo why are you so grouchy?" "As if I would tell you" "I'm your friend your obligated to tell me" "I don't have to tell you shit" he turned down a different road I kept walking to my house I got home but half and half's question was still floating in my head why am I angry?

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