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Bakuguos pov
I was the first one to the school I got to my dorm fast I hope he doesn't tell people I hurt him or else this is gunna be just as bad a middle school I felt a wave of anger go threw my body I punched the wall my hand went straight threw it my knuckles were bloody I went to the bathroom and washed the blood away when shitty hair came in my room "hey bakubro I was next door Hurd a noise you ok"
"Fuck get out of here shitty hair" my had was still gushing blood "you sure your ok" "leave before I make you" he finally left I locked the door behind him and rapped my hand and sat down
Shoto pov
I got to the school and to my dorm I'm next to bakuguo I herd him yell at kirishima I then decided to go over to talk to him a made an ice bride from my balcony to his and came in from the sliding glass door "hey the fuck are you doing" he yelled at me "no the fuck are you doing bakuguo keep yelling at people and there not gunna like ya much" he rolled his eyes "you should apologize" "to you no you provoked me"
"Not to me dummy to him he was just being a good person and your were a dick to him" "fuck you" "bakuguo see I'm your only friend so it's my responsibility to keep you in order now apologize" "no" "yes" we continued to argue back and forth he grew angry and stood up he looked down to me (Shoto:5"9 katsuki 6'6) he backed my into a wall and in a husky aggressive tone he said "you don't tell me what to do bitch if I say no it means no" it made him even more intimidating that he had blood on his shirt and hand but I'm not gunna let him win I pulled him down to my level i got closer and closer "Im not your bitch" I kneed him in the crotch "now go apologize or I'll make you" he didn't wiper in pain but it brought him to his knees he respected my wishes he nocked on the wall facing kirishimas room and in Morris code said I'm sorry and kirishima replied it's ok bakuguo looked back at me angry I smiled "I tamed the beast" "you didn't tame shit" "o really who got there way who didn't" he came up and put his hand around my neck again but didn't hold it tight I put my hands around his wrist I felt fear threw my body "where did the mark go" he asked confused "m makeup" I Stuttered his eyes filled with remorse he felt bad for some reason but he never feels bad about anything he does I grabbed a rag off a table and washed away the makeup "if people ask tell them the truth" "why" "because I deserve the looks of disgust they will give me" "ima ask again why are you angry" "I have been for as long as I can remember" "I know you know why, what happened tell me" "no" "I'll find out no matter what" "no"
I left and went straight to bakuguos house
I nocked on the front door and a man with brown hair opens it "is this the bakuguo residence" "yes" "well I don't mean to intrude but I have questions about your son" "ok come in" he led me to a couch we sat down "well for starters I'm todrookie Shoto" "nice to meet you just call my bakuguo" I nodded "well I'm a friend of your sons and I wanted to ask do you know when he he started to be so aggressive" "well katsuki like all kids threw tantrums but when he started school he just was angry always no one could talk about certain topics because they made him mad We asked him if something happened at school but he never told us he just said he doesn't like to world anymore and ever since he doesn't watch tv or go out in public or have any social media all he ever did was sit and watch the water move in the down stream in the back yard but I'm sorry to ask but it's just right there where did you get the bruise" "o I got into a fight with your son" "I'm so sorry that boys out of control it been worse since his mother passed she's the only one who could put him in his place" "I'm sorry for your loss but I Should get going" "well ok and I'm really sorry about katsuki" "it ok thank you" I left the house and about half way to the school an angry bakuguo came up to me "what did he tell you" "nothing helpful" "can't you just give up" "no" bakuguo continued to walk away I went back to campus
Bakuguo pov
It took forever to get to the bar but I got there I walked in and the man came up "Good your here we open soon there's your badge and a taser if things go to far you can stand at the front and card people" "ok" I walked to my post people soon lined up i some already drunk I did my job and the night was fairly peaceful I only had to Kick one person out and as people came in the kept tipping me but the end of the night I had over 200 $ in tips
"Hey boy what's your name" my boss asked "bakuguo sir" "Well bakuguo here's your pay don't let anyone know you work here it will get me in trouble because you underage" "yes sir" I I walked home the night was peaceful I could feel myself relax and that doesn't happen often it was two am by the time I got back to campus I snuck in threw my window and passed out

One week later
I got up for school I got dressed and headed for class avoiding people I did my best but I looked forward to lunch where I could hide on the roof away from people and that's what I did I sat on the ledge of the 4 story building letting my feet dangle when shitty hair came over he looked scared "what's wrong shitty hair" "nothing" he gulped "you afraid" "Maybe" he slowly walked over and sat on the ledge next to me "so bakubro what's going on between you and todrookie there's some rumors going around were you the cause of that bruise" "Yea" I told the truth "well kinky" I turned to him shocked "what" "your dating him right" "Hell no we got into a fight" "oooo that make more sense" the lunch hour was over and I went to my last classes then to my room I had a box that I kept my money in I grabbed it and started to count 2,143$ most of my money came from tips some nights people would give he hundred dollar bills I was surprised at how much I had made this job was good its a way for me to release my anger I put away my money and todrookie came into my room "hey bakuguo" he said all cheery "hi" "can I ask a favor" I rolled my eye "fine" "well so my boyfriend Maverick he um he did something and I need you to got scare him off" "you can handle it yourself" "please"
"Fine" I got up and icy hot took me to a sketchy apartment we walked in and he opened the door to his boyfriends palace he was sitting on the couch a girl on his lap "maverick!!" Half and half yelled at him for cheating then he looked to me "hey I'm not the only one see you've got a boy toy" "no he is just here to beat you up" "o really" the man stood "this pretty boy won't do nothing to me he is too weak look at him I will punch him once and he will go running to mommy" he was starting to make me mad he went to punch I dodged it then I grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up off the ground "leave todrookie alone or I'll just have to kill ya" he started to gasp for air "so you understand" "y y yes" I squeezed harder for the fun of it the veins in his face were popping out "bakuguo enough" I didn't release the man I wanted to watch his eyes roll into his head from the lack of oxygen "katsuki bakuguo put him down now" I released him disappointed he didn't die the girl he was with was crying she looked to be around 16 I went over to here she was so small I could brake her so easy the girl looked at me horror in her eyes then Shoto pulled me away afraid of what I might do "what was that in there" "I I i um got out of control of a minute"

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