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Assalamu Alaikum, I said, seeking permission to go into the room which belonged to my parents. Wa Alaikum Salam Warahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu, they replied uniformly. I smiled, realizing my mistake and went into the room. My parents would always remind me to say the salam fully in order for me to receive maximum reward. I found a spot on a purple coloured rug mixed with grey and black patterns which was laid almost perfectly above the shiny black and grey tiled floor in the center of the room, and sat down facing my parents who were sitting on both ends of their bed.
Good morning Mum and Dad.I greeted them. Morning Ayush. They replied simultaneously. How was your night? I asked . It was as peaceful as it should be, mum answered. But mine wasn't as peaceful as yours, Dad argued. You made me prepare a cup of coffee for you when it was few minutes after 2am, yet you didn't let me get back to bed until you were done. I giggled. That's how mum always acts, babyish. When  Dad travels, I take his position and take care of her midnight  cravings. Mum i was just a call away, Dad's night would have been more peaceful I said amidst giggles. Before I could calm down, Dadchirped in; you can't get any closer to her heart by doing any of these Ayush. She loves it done my way alone. He winked at her and she blushed. What a Home! May Allah SWT keep you both in love till Jannah reunites you i prayed. We all chorused an Amin. Ayush, May Allah SWT bless you, May Allah SWT crown your daily hardwork with success, May you and your siblings always be guided towards worshipping Allah alone, May you always find a reason to be Happy. Dad prayed. Mum and i mouthed an Amin. Ayush, no matter where life takes you, always remember that family matters, a lot. Don't severe the ties of kinship. Always seek Allah's guidance. May Allah SWT Grant your heart desires, May Allah protect you and your siblings from any form of hardship, May Allah SWT bless you Dunya and Akhira, May Allah bless us with the goodness of this day and beyond, May Allah SWT protect us from the evils of this day and beyond. Mum prayed, after which Dad and I mouthed an Amin. Allah ya kara daukaka ya maku albarka gaba daya. They both prayed. I said a loud Amin. This is one of the reasons why I never miss greeting my parents after saying my subh Sallah. I'd never trade the prayers of my parent for anything. The prayers of one's parent is protection, it's a blessing, it paves way for a different source of  power to an offspring. Jazakallahu Khairan, I said to both of them.
I was about stepping out when Mum called me back. I turned around and resumed the spot i was in earlier. Mum you called me? I said more like a question than a statement.
She was silent for a while before she cleared her voice and began to speak.
Subhanallah, I supplicated inwardly. You know better when your parents call you for a talk and they start with your first name,not the pet name they always call you but your real name. If it ain't trouble calling, then It's some really serious business. 
Amidst my thoughts, two slender fingers were snapped in front of me bringing me back to the present. Sorry mum, I'm all ears now, I said.
Aisha! Aisha! Aisha!
How many times did I call you? Thrice i answered meekly. Now that you've graduated from the university with flying colours, what are your plans?
I heaved a sigh of relief. I thought it was something very serious and important you wanted to talk to me about. I said to her smiling. She shook her head in disbelief. She turned to her husband, who was also smiling. Can you see the type of daughter you have, she's finding a very important discussion amusing. Dad giggled and she furrowed her brows. Don't tell me you also find this amusing Abu Hamza? Seeing the seriousness on her face, We couldn't contain it anymore so we burst out laughing. She glared at both of us and crossed her arms on her chest waiting for us to finish. We calmed down after a while. I thought you were going to talk about something more important judging with the tone and seriousness you used. Dad said, still smiling. I'll just come to her rescue as I've always done. Last night, while you were in bed, she came to drop what she referred to as a business plan for us to look into and come around with a decision together. He said air quoting the phrase; 'business plan'. Mum was silent for a while. I foresaw this. It wouldn't be easy winning her over with what she just heard. But with Allah and Dad's backing, In Sha Allah she'll come around.
After what felt like forever, she cleared her voice and looked me straight In the eye. I looked away immediately.
What is it that your father is talking about? She asked.
I was quiet.
Dake nake! She said in a tone higher than the former.I didn't have the courage to speak out.
Bakiji ina miki magana bane koh kinga alamun wasa a fuska na ne? She snapped. Calm down Umm Hamza, dad tried to placate his wife. I should have expected worse. I shouldn't have agreed to study that course let alone excel in it.
Don't.... Don't touch me. She said pointing her index finger to dad. She turned to me.
I asked you a question Aisha, you know better than to make me repeat myself. She said daring me to remain silent.
I......I....I..want...to...start a business. I said stammering. Few more seconds and definitely the salt like liquid would begin to drip from my source of vision which had already turned blurry. I dislike, no, I hate confrontations. And this wasn't one of the best confrontations I'll ever be involved in. I  guess dad sensed what was about to happen, hence he told me to leave for my room, saying he'll Call me back when Mum calms down. Today is going to be a long day i thought exiting the room. I began running up the stairs ignoring my blurry vision. I was halfway through the stairs when i accidentally collided with a masculine body. I  staggered backwards, almost tripping down the stairs when the body stretched forth both of his hands in order to help me regain my balance. I looked up to find two pairs of eyes that were once sparkling and full of life but were now swollen, blood shot ones, with dark circles around them. He stared back at me, studying my face for a moment. I  bowed my head down. He used his right hand to carefully raise my head to meet his gaze. What happened to your eyes? He asked, his tone laced with concern. Ya Hamza, mum's mad at me as regards the business i had planned to start after my graduation. The business you are starting, he corrected. But how can I start something when i know it won't have a blessed future? You know I don't have the mind to do anything without Mum's encouragement and blessings. It's better i do something that would please her rather than doing it's opposite. I said as tears rolled down my cheeks. He used his thumb to wipe the tears from my face.  Come sit, he said guiding me as we sat down on the stairs. If it's best for you, Allah SWT would soften her heart towards it, and you'll live your dream with her blessings. If it isn't the best for you, Allah SWT would replace it with what would be more beneficial to you Dunya and Akhira. He placed a kiss on my forehead and stood to take his leave. I  held his hand, he turned to look at me and i mouthed a thank you. He noded and descended the stairs. I rose to my feet and walked to my room.

But what's the problem in you wanting to start up a business? My sister, Khadija asked as soon as I picked her call.
I see no big deal in it. Or is there anything you are hiding from us? She asked worried.
I  was quiet. Even i wanted to think so,but only i knew the reason behind mothers refusal and unless she reveals it to them herself,I wouldn't say a word regarding it.
Ayush are you there?
I  almost forgot the call wasn't disconnected.
Yes I am.
Do you know any reason why Mum is refraining from showering you with blessings on this?
I  didn't want to lie to her. So I told her the only thing I felt would work.
Umm Fawad, maybe you should seek permission from Abb Fawad so you'll come and talk to her.
She sighed.
If that's what you want, I'll be there before Asr. She said and hung up the call.
That was when I realized it was already 10 minutes after 1pm. I had slept after crying my heart out to Allah earlier when I walked into my room. I rose from bed, walked into the bathroom to perform wudhu after which I said my prayers. Just then, my stomach grumbled. Reminding me that i haven't had breakfast talk more of lunch. I removed the Hijab i had worn, folded it and returned it to my wardrobe. I used a black coloured cap to cover my hair before i went downstairs.
I know Mum must have finished cooking lunch by now. I was about entering the kitchen when Ya Hamza called me from the dining area, saying food has been served already and i should go join them. I felt a lump in my throat. I wasn't ready to face Mum yet. I dragged my feet to the dining area. I was welcomed by the aroma of Mum's food. Mum's food tastes the best. I sat beside Dad for the first time in forever, ditching my seat that used to be beside Mum. He passed me my plate of spaghetti and stew with plantain and a glass of chilled home made Orange juice. On a normal day, I would have hugged Mum and peppered her face with a lot of kisses for preparing one my favorite meals. Maybe some other time i consoled myself.
We were eating in utter silence when the door to the living room was opened revealing an ecstatic Umm Fawad. If not for Ummu Hamza's strict rules, you'll definitely forget my sister is married. She never turns down the opportunity to be in this house. She said her Salam and came in after our response.  She hugged Dad while she shook hands with Ya Hamza and i.
She was almost hugging Mama when a glare stopped her. She turned to walk away but immediately turned around and hugged Mum peppering her face with kisses. She was gently pushed away by Mum's hand. With whose permission are you here Khadija? Mum asked. As far as I can remember, I promised never to step out of my home without Abb Fawad's permission,  so calm down Umm Hamza, You beloved Son gave me the permission and he sends his regards. Ya Khadija said with a grin. I had forgotten the tension in the room. Well, not until her Highness decided to hit the nail on the head. Now that Hamza has reported me to you. Mum began but was interrupted by Dad who called on our house help to come clear the table as everyone was already done eating. After she was done, Mum continued.
Since Hamza can't keep his mouth shut and neither does he have the courage to speak up to me, I know he had definitely ringed you up and narrated what transpired between Ayush and i earlier today to you. I'll tell you a story. As an only child and a female,I  didn't grow with my parents. I lost them at infancy. It was a pity non of my family members wanted me, neither paternal nor maternal. At infancy, I was nursed by an aged widow that happened to be my mothers colleague. Before her death, she gave me a gold necklace and told me that i could use it to start a trade after i sell it off. She passed away not long after that. I had dire need to attend school but I couldn'tafford it. At adolescence, I decided to begin trading woven materials. Women and Men around taunted me, saying i should be under a man now rather being on the streets. I paid no heed to their words. Defying social expectations. ...Dealing with limited access to funding. ...Struggling to be taken seriously. ...Owning my accomplishments. ...Building a support network. ...Balancing business and education ...Coping with failure. I was getting  waylaid by these factors. To cut the long story short, I met your father who was serving his father land during His NYSC days where one thing led to another and we got married. His parents enrolled me in school until I graduated from the university. I vowed never to let any of my female wards into the business world single handedly.
By the time she was done, Umm Fawad was  already in tears, while Ya Hamza was trying heard to hold back his tears. Only Dad and i knew this part of Umm Hamza's story.
After a heart to heart discussion with your father, I have decided to give you all the support you'll ever need while I'm still alive. I couldn't hold back my tears too. I hugged her and thanked her whole heartedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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