έντεκα {11}✅

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Eva pulled me through the crowds of people back out the double doors and past my room. We stopped right outside my door.

"I have no idea what's happening but it's quite clear you're still not safe here," She began. I noticed there was a bag at her feet. I felt my heart drop and a weird sense of familiarity with a situation like this.

"There's no way I'm going back into hiding, how does anybody expect my dangers to go away if I hide from them every time? Let's just focus on killing Krista and her associates, then we can worry about what to do next."

She didn't try to argue with my suggestion again, she must have sensed the desperation in my voice and sadness. It's not like I could hide it, my heart was crumbling, this was the only place I could be somewhat free and now it's again being taken away from me by sketchy power-hungry women. She ran ahead telling me to stay behind, I respected her efforts to keep me safe, but I really could look after myself.

We wandered the unusually empty corridors until we reached a corner. Eva stopped suddenly in front of me and then that's when I heard the faint conversations not far in front of us.

"She needs to die now...she knows nothing...Sparta will be ours.... get the girl and everyone she associates...Paris will be pleased with this victory for Athens."

I looked at Eva and asked, "Who is Paris?"

"Queen of Athens, power-hungry, hated your mother with all her might and her life goal is to see Sparta at its knees. She is why you had to be sent away. I'm guessing she's also behind the mass-murdering today."

"So, the Spartan council have been Athenian spies all along?"

"I'm afraid so." She bowed her head in disappointment.

"Krista will surely meet Persephone in the underworld." I unsheathed my sword clenching the handle hard. This time Eva didn't stop me, I stepped out into the corridor. "Hey, shit faces! Looking for me?"

All eight of them were there, I slightly recognised a few from when I was in the throne room with Krista, they were all members of the council. I looked back and Eva was behind me, she had no weapons, but I could quickly sort that out.

The first woman came charging towards me, her stance was weak, and she looked like she held no experience at all when it came to fighting. I stunned her by elbowing her in the face and ran my sword right through her. A clean connection. She dropped her sword and with my free hand, I tossed it to Eva. Slightly grossed out I pushed her dead body off my sword with my foot.

This is going to be fun. Eva had left my side and was busy fighting off two members up ahead, I hadn't moved from my spot and thankfully two more came charging my way, but this time they looked more trained. One with a heavy spartan shield and Sword and the other with a heavy mace that would most definitely be able to crack my skull open.

I sighed to myself and resumed my fighting stance. The woman swung her sword at me, but I dodged and tried my luck with mine, but it only came into contact with her shield. It looked pretty stuck in and so I took that chance to fling her shield away from her in my direction. With my free hand, I punched her throat leaving her gasping for air on the floor. I picked up my sword and before she could recover I slit her throat now focussing all my attention on the fat ass mace in front of me.

I swung my sword right, slashing right under her boob and then again left which slashed open her leg. With all her might she lifted up her mace and got ready to smash it down right on my skull, there wasn't much space for me to run and so praying to the gods I used my sword to block it. The impact sent me to the floor, back first. I winced in pain. She pressed her weapon more against me and the blade of my sword reached inches away from my neck.

I looked around trying to see an opening because I was struggling to keep her at bay. Then I had an idea, I used my legs to wrap tightly around her neck, just as I thought she struggled for air and her grip loosened long enough for me to strike my sword right through her. Her body flopped down on me.

"This is a bit awkward." I groaned to myself.

I pushed her off getting to my feet and charging at the three left, wasting no time in cutting them down. We stood there panting and out of breath. "You know you're not so bad."

"I mean I have been training all my life."

"Maybe one day you'll be as good as me."

"I'll take that as a joke and now laugh." And I do.

We stand outside another large door. But this one looked familiar. This might be the way to the throne room, and if we're lucky that's where Krista will be. Eva and I looked at each other, exchanging a nod and together we pushed open the door, ready to face whatever was on the other side.

NEW A/N : Follow me on Instagram (writings_of_artemis) and twitter (artemis_writing) for updates and sneak peeks of my WIP's and future projects!
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